Letter to the Brethren – February 21, 2017

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Dear Members and Friends,

Have we ever been in a situation in our lifetime when virtually the whole world is concerned about one nation, specifically one man, as we are experiencing now? Not a day goes by since the current President of the United States has been elected into office that we don’t see some kind of grave anxiety, based on the reactions all over the world, and the year has just started.

All we need to do is turn on the news or the home page of our browsers on our computers. When it comes to the latest approval rate, as of February 17, 2017, President Trump has reached his all-time low. According to theweek.com, his approval rating dropped to only 38 percent.

The article points out, “President Trump’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest level since his inauguration, with just 38 percent of Americans approving of his job as president, Gallup reports. Trump is now 23 points below the historical average for new presidents in mid-February, who are typically approved of by 61 percent of voters. He is also 13 points below the lowest mid-February approval rating for any other president in modern polling history, which was Bill Clinton with 51 percent. For context: Former President Barack Obama’s lowest approval rating in eight years as president was 38 percent, a drop that followed instances such as the 2011 debt ceiling negotiations and downgrading of the U.S. credit rating, or in September 2014, just before the Islamic State released videos of U.S. journalists being beheaded. Trump’s highest approval rating since taking office was 46 percent, on his fourth and fifth day in office. It’s all been downhill from there; by Friday, 56 percent of Americans disapproved of the job Trump was doing in office. Gallup’s poll reaches 1,500 adults across the nation by telephone, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 points.”

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Letter to the Brethren – January 12, 2017

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

The age we live in is characterized by an attitude in which religious zeal is apathetic and holiness is unimportant. Society has traded in godliness for worldliness today, valuing the carnal ideals of man more than righteousness. The laws of the land increasingly marginalize Christian ideals in favor of the ill-motivated preferences of mankind. The Truth of the Bible is compromised and scientific theory vaunted. These are the signs of the times. Truly, we only need to read the Bible and look around us to come to the conclusion that Truth is exchanged for the lie (compare Romans 1:25), and that which is good is declared as evil (compare Isaiah 5:20).

Most of the world is blind to these observations though. But, if we are able to recognize and comprehend how society has departed from God, we should consider ourselves to be very fortunate. For, God calls very few out of this world to understand the Truth—and indeed, it is a great privilege, especially in the current age. If we are blessed enough to be given the gift of understanding through the Holy Spirit living within us, we are also accountable to do something with our understanding.

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