Europe’s Corrupt Economic System

In the book of Revelation, ungodly modern Babylon is described not only as a European political, military and religious system, but also as an economic power. Other passages in the Old Testament give us further information about this worldwide economic system in which true Christians must have no part.

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In All Honesty

The term “in all honesty” is frequently used to emphasize truthfulness and sincerity in an attempt to soften the impact by diminishing the harshness and not trying to be malicious. However, we shouldn’t use this term loosely; we should be honest at all times. There is also a fine line between an honest mistake and a blatant mistake, and when we do make a mistake, how can we rectify it?

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With Raised Hands

What can we learn from an event found in the Old Testament? The Bible includes stories so that we can think about them and use them for edification. 

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Europe in Biblical Prophecy

Many do not understand that, according to the Bible, the ancient Roman Empire would be revived ten times in Europe, and that the last seven resurrections would be a collaboration between the Catholic Church and the European Empire. All of these revivals have already taken place…except for the last one, which is unfolding before our eyes today and will culminate in the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This sermon examines the European resurrections of the ancient Roman Empire in history, including the blasphemous mark of the beast and the demonic nature of the European revivals.

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The Commandments and the Sabbath of the Most High God

Faithfully keeping the commandments and the Sabbath, including the annual Sabbaths, helps to cement our relationship with God and to stay engaged in the completion of the Work we have to do prior to the tribulation and return of Jesus Christ.

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A Few Random Thoughts on the Stupidity of Evolution

It is a worthwhile exercise from time to time to review this theory which many just accept without much thought at all.   The Bible states that God spoke and it was done – that is something that only a supernatural being could achieve, not mere mortal men – and even less by blind chance!

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What the Bible Says About the Beast

The “beast” is described in a variety of ways in the Bible. It can refer to the past and future military power, to the end-time leader, and to the past and future religious power and its representative. How is the coming end-time leader described and what are his character traits? What are the little horns in Daniel 7 and 8, the mark and image of the beast, his mortal wound and his number; and what are the 10 horns? Is their meaning always the same?

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Going on to Perfection

We normally think of perfection as being without any flaws, and with no sin whatsoever. However, the Greek word translated perfection can also mean finalising a requirement or task or completing an assignment. In other words, fulfilling what God requires of us in being a part of His Church. Each member may have a different assignment but we must all carry these out to be pleasing to God.

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Living Goals

Are your goals active and functioning, or have your dreams and aspirations faded away—remaining unfulfilled? How does that apply to your goals as a Christian?

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Having an indomitable spirit means not allowing anything to take away our hope and determination. When faced with problems, rather than allow us to be overcome, we can choose to respond with courage and trust in God’s power to see us through. The story of David and Goliath exemplifies this attitude, as David defeats Goliath by relying on his faith in God. Likewise, Jesus Christ, even facing the threat of immense suffering, encourages us to remain hopeful and undeterred, knowing that overcoming the world is possible through faith.

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