All Men Everywhere

Where are we and what should we be doing as it relates to God’s plan for this world? In a time when the Church of God has become broken up into remnant groups, many have withdrawn inwardly. However, the commission to the Church remains in force! On the one hand, the Church is warned to come out of and be separate from this world, while on the other hand it is sent to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world. The Church must be doing both these things and doing them in light of the plan of God

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Where to Now

As we get back into our daily activities, having returned from eight wonderful days observing the Feast of Tabernacles, we must be ever mindful that our calling from God is a calling to live a certain way – a way which is contrary to the ways of this world. We must not allow the cares of this life to distract us to the point that we fail in this tremendous calling.

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California’s wildfires have been in the national and international news. To see the images on TV or read newspaper articles with photographs is one thing — to be right in the middle of those fires is quite another. My family and I found ourselves right in the middle of the Ramona fires. I’d like to share with you my thoughts and impressions, as I wrote them down, in the form of a diary, throughout the ordeal. It might help, perhaps, to communicate to others what is going on in the lives of those who find themselves surrounded by blazing flames of wildfires. We will also read Biblical passages to review the terrible time shortly ahead of us, prophesying the devastation, through fire, of the countries of modern Israel and Judah, and the rest of the entire world. We will review Scriptures explaining to us the reasons for such fiery devastation, and promising to us God’s protection during such terrible times.

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Who Are You

If asked the question, “who are you,” many relationships or associations might correctly be used in answer. However, for Christians, it is important that we answer that question from the perspective of God’s Word. Three possible answers are explored with this in mind: (1.) you don’t know; (2.) you think you know; and, (3.) you know. Furthermore, the point is made that it is “Christ in us” that establishes how we are in relationship to God.

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The Three Resurrections

The Bible teaches that somebody must accept Christ in his life, in order to be saved and become a partaker of the resurrection and change to immortal life. This fact rules out all those ideas that non-Christians could inherit eternity, as long as they live in accordance with their conscience. We also read that God wants all people to be saved. However, most people have never heard of Christ. What will happen to them? Others have finally and irrevocably rejected Christ. What is their fate?

The Bible teaches more than just one resurrection. Although some commentaries understand the fact that there will be more than one resurrections, they have no correct explanation as to what will happen to the people, who will not be be in the first resurrection.

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Looking to the Future

Are we seeking eternal life or are we facing eternal death? Those are the critical questions facing God’s people at this time. These questions are not to be taken lightly. Are our major objectives directed to this world or to the world to come? We each are making our choice as we live our lives today!

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The Father

Jesus Christ revealed the Father. The Jews of His day who thought that they worshipped God were deceived and had created a religion based on their own traditions. However, coming to know the Father is an opportunity that is now given to Christians.
How well we are doing in that relationships is vital. One way to grow in that acquaintance is to know His Son, Jesus Christ, and to have the mind of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit. Learning to love will also help us learn about the Father. The Father is God, and we must consider His majesty to know who He is. Finally, Christians have the promise that in our future we will be with God and see Him.

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A Place of Refuge

The Church of God has taught for many years that in the plan of God – He will provide for a place of refuge – or as some have said – a place of final training for God’s people during the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. What does the Bible tell us about such an idea?

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Our Conscience

Is it immaterial to God that we follow our conscience? Where do we draw the line? Is it alright to violate our conscience because a person tells us to do so? On the other hand, how can we be sure that our conscience does not violate God’s will? And if it does, do we still obey our conscience?

Conscience literally means, “knowing together,” “seeing together” or “agreeing with.” We must know, see, and agree with God. Our conscience is, all by itself, not infallible. It can be wrong, perverted, seared or defiled. Our conscience can never be an excuse to disobey God.

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The Word

There is much written about our future in God’s Word. There are promises from God; there are specific jobs to accomplish and there are many instructions concerning how we should live our lives. Understanding what God has caused to be written both for and about us is vital. Five keys are given: (1.) Believe God’s Word; (2.) God reveals His Word and the understanding of His Word; (3.) We are to study God’s Word; (4.) We are being judged by the Word of God; and, (5.) God’s Word reveals our future.

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