His Wife has Made Herself Ready

The annual festivals of God that we observe illustrate the broad outline of God’s spiritual creation. The Feast of Trumpets, the focal point in God’s plan, pictures a terrible time of war, so terrible that unless Jesus Christ intervenes, no one will survive. However, we, as the bride of Christ, will be protected during that terrible time, provided we are busy making ourselves ready now. Learn in this interesting sermon what it is we are to be doing to get ready.

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Is God a Trinity? – Part 1

Is God a trinity of beings in one person as is widely taught today? No, the Bible nowhere states that the Holy Spirit is a Divine being, and indeed, teaches that there are only two Divine beings–God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The early church understood this, and it is critical that we also understand the truth in this matter.

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Out of Weakness We're Made Strong

The meek shall inherit the earth. Why? Because a meek, or humble, person has a willingness to be taught by God. Meekness implies gentleness, not weakness. When a person is meek, he demonstrates his willingness to submit to God’s way of life, which will ultimately fill the earth. He learns to have faith in God rather than self, thereby demonstrating true strength of character. Pride is the opposite of humility and cannot produce the kind of character that God is building in us.

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Are We of One Mind?

God’s plan is for man to come to the point that he thinks like God, something that does not come naturally for human beings. In order to do this, we need to have the mind of Christ, through His Spirit dwelling in us. Only then can we develop a willing heart and mind, thereby magnifying the very character of God.

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