Clean in an Unclean World

We are constantly “challenged” by Satan and by God to see how strong we really are. While Satan is tempting us to sin, God is testing our strength, so that we do not sin. Will we obey God in regards to His Law or will we break His Law and give in to Satan’s intent to see us stumble and fall?

We are set apart; we are chosen by God to understand His truth and potential plan for us, which is considered strange to those who are not familiar with God’s Law.

The knowledge of the truth has to be within us and we have to be vigilant and stand up for the truth at all times. 

The Bible is very consistent and doesn’t contradict itself.  God’s Law is peaceful and perfect, but it is also a mystery in this world.  We are called out of this world to be clean, and that is the way we ought to live.  But we live in an unclean world ruled by Satan and we know how easily his clever tactics can ensnare us, tempting us just like he tempted Christ when Christ was on this earth as a human being.  We have to act as Christ did and conquer Satan by living righteously.

We were all unclean, and at our baptism we “put to death” our members, which were “on the earth” (Colossians 3:5).  We replaced one for the other as verses 9 and 10 explain: “…since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.”

We were cleaned when we were baptized. However, even after baptism, we will still sin, so that we need to be cleansed constantly (1 John 1:8-9). Our members have to be put to death constantly. The annual Passover reminds us that our uncleanliness, which is our carnal mindset fueled by Satan, has to be removed, and it is a renewal of our commitment to God to live righteously and to remain clean. 

Colossians 3:12-17 and Galatians 5:22-26 provide us with great examples of how we can live a “clean” and righteous life, by applying the “new man character” and walking in the fruit of the Spirit.  This truly is the way of peace – the guide to happiness.  If we live this way, we will draw even closer to God and truly understand what our calling is all about – to be clean in an unclean world. 

©2025 Church of the Eternal God