The Third Temple Under Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir?

A new most religious and conservative government is being formed in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu, with the new rising star Itamar Ben-Gvir wanting to become security minister, which would make him responsible for keeping the peace at the Temple Mount. Who is Ben-Gvir? What is his position towards Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount and the building of the Third Temple?

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How and When Will There Be Worldwide Nuclear War?

We hear more and more about the danger of a tactical or limited or even worldwide nuclear war, especially in regard to the war in Ukraine and the situation involving Taiwan, but many dismiss this idea as absurd. The Bible does predict a global catastrophic nuclear war, but it will occur quite differently from what many suspect.

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America’s Downfall IS Prophesied!

Some observers recognize that America is divided and in decline. They openly talk about its downfall, both domestically and internationally. But many don’t see or care about the signs of the time. The Bible confirms that the USA will lose its supreme military and economic power in the world. But there IS light at the end of the dark tunnel.

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Could There Be Another 9/11?

While the free world has celebrated the assassination of Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan, the frightening prospect of a repeat of 9/11 has been raised in the press, and it was stated that President Biden, due to his “disastrous” and “appalling abandonment of Afghanistan” and his “monumental failure,” “has now exposed the US to a potential whole new world of pain and bloodshed at the hands of the very same terrorists who brought down the Twin Towers in 2001.” Why is this so, and is a repeat of 9/11 possible, likely or even inevitable? What does the Bible say?

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COVID 19—a Man-Made Pandemic?

The Bible prophesies for the end time serious worldwide disease epidemics and pandemics, which are caused far too often by human misconduct, resulting in incredible pain for innocent victims. Governments may contribute to the suffering when attempting to combat the pandemics. What can be said, then, in regard to the origin of COVID-19? And does the Bible include many warnings which, if headed, would prevent the spread of many disease epidemics?
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And the Beast Is…

Many have tried to figure out who the beast is—that very charismatic end-time personage mentioned in the Book of Revelation. But what does the BIBLE tell us about the beast? How else is the beast referred to, and what are the national origins and characteristics of the beast? Where will the beast arise, and where not? And will everybody be able to recognize the beast?
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Civil War, Violence and Misery in the USA

Is the United States going to experience another Civil War in our days? Alarming signs point at that possibility. This program explores the reasons for these frightening developments, and points at illuminating passages from the Bible.

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Did Hitler Have Jewish Blood?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was condemned by Israel, as well as many others, for his recent comments that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler “had Jewish blood.” But where does this idea come from? And can it teach us something about the arrival of the coming beast mentioned in the book of Revelation and other prophetic biblical books?

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Weak German Government under Attack

The world disapproves of Germany’s conduct towards Ukraine. Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz is considered as being weak and indecisive, and far too much beholden to Putin. What does this mean for Germany’s future?

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Time to build the Third Temple in the face of Violence?

Serious violence broke out at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during Passover, coinciding with Easter and Ramadan, followed by an exchange of rockets between Hamas and Israel. The Jerusalem Post published an article with the headline: “When Blood Spills on Passover and Easter, it’s Time to Build the Temple.” But is this true? Has the time come to build the Third Temple? And what would the consequences be? This program raises many questions in the light of biblical prophecy.

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