FOT Opening Night: Coming Out of This World… Why and How?

The Bible tells us that we must leave this rotten world of Satan behind and that we are instead pilgrims, strangers and ambassadors for Christ. The consequences for us in regard to the evils of this world and what is in it, including selfish desires, its politics, corrupt leaders, false philosophies, terrible wars and deceiving religions are wide-ranging, but many are confused about God’s directives. Likewise, our desire for God’s Kingdom to be restored on earth can be overshadowed and clouded, if we are not careful, by the knowledge of the pain and suffering which the Great Tribulation will bring first. It is vital for our salvation that we have the right understanding in this regard.
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How to Stop ISIS!

The murderous and abominable activities of the terrorist group, ISIS, are deeply troublesome. What are the solutions dealing with this depraved, ungodly and demonically inspired group of people? Does the Bible give us answers? Indeed it does, but are we willing to listen? We offer our free booklet, “Should You Fight in War?”

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