This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to Washington and discussing the fragile relationship between China and the USA; speak of the ongoing mystery of President Obama’s birth place; and point out a new, but largely ignored twist in the Arizona shooting.

Focusing on Europe, we report on the EU’s “vision” of being a “Fatherland of peace”; emphasize German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s commitment to the euro; and show ongoing anti-American feelings in Europe, and especially in Germany.

Speaking of religious and social issues, we report on the Catholic Church’s bizarre plan to beatify Pope John Paul II; explain the unbiblical reasons for the abandonment of the weekly Sabbath; and discuss the continuing mysterious deaths of many animals—including cattle.

We conclude with reporting on developments in the USA pertaining to “Obamacare,” which might not be good for the country in the long run.

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