This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on America’s ongoing economic troubles which are, admittedly, not solvable within the next few years. We continue with placing special emphasis on our health crisis, diseases and sicknesses, which are many times caused by ourselves. This includes eating fish and animals which God has forbidden us to eat; eating poisonous seafood; and eating the flesh of usually healthy livestock which became unhealthy due to the consumption of dangerous antibiotics.

We are reporting on the fear that NATO might fall apart, bringing to light Europe’s need to create its own powerful united army, navy and air force; quoting articles about the situation in Libya, Lebanon and Turkey (biblical Edom); speaking of developments in Italy and Greece; addressing the ensuing war of words over the border controversy between Denmark and Germany; highlighting very dangerous developments in Germany; and conclude with the announcement that Germany’s Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and his family plan to leave their fatherland… at least for a while…

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