Update 622


The Power of Truth

On January 18, 2014, Dave Harris will give the sermon titled, “The Power of Truth.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Golden Rule

by Kalon Mitchell

Growing up, I remember learning the “golden rule” from my parents, which is based on the Bible:  “… whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them…” (Matthew 7:12). These words uttered by Jesus Christ Himself were, as He stated, the very essence of what was taught by “the Law and the Prophets.”

Christians should use this Scripture as a catalyst. In our daily lives, we should be actively looking out for the welfare of others—in our thoughts, in what we say and how we treat each other. When we scratch, bite and claw each other, we will be devoured, as it says in Galatians 5:15.

And yet, we have a continuing command to show the love to others that God shows to us (compare verse 14).  It is not a self-serving kind of love that God shows, but is an all-encompassing love that does no harm to others.

How do we respond when wrong is done to us? Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 and Matthew 5:38-44 give us valuable direction. Life is full of situations when people in the world are going to use and abuse us. They are going to say mean things. They will try and get at us. But if we pay back in kind, then we are no better then they, and our Christianity becomes meaningless. 

Are we asking ourselves: How important am I? How important are my emotions, my well-being, my self? Do we see how easy it is to fall into these traps of self-deceit, self-aggrandizement and self-centeredness? This is how Satan fell. The deception of pride crept into his heart. It rooted out ALL godliness. It became the very contradiction to God’s Way of Life.

Claiming to be a “Christian” does not mean that we are Christians, as 1 John 2:9-11,15-17 states so powerfully. So instead of engaging in deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness, we should instead be taking the extra care and diligence that is required to be focused on others. Philippians 2:1-5 says (in the New International Version): “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than [above] yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude [mindset] should be the same as that of Christ Jesus…”

Being a Christian demands action. It takes care and concern. It takes using the “golden rule” in our lives so that others around us can see that we live by what we say. And in turn they (in time) will perhaps learn to glorify God. There is no passing the buck when applying this rule. It is our individual duty that each one of us apply it in our lives for the benefit of others.

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We begin reporting about interesting developments regarding European political unification and the ongoing scandal pertaining to sex abuses within the Catholic Church and apparent cover-up attempts by the Vatican, as well as the documented desire of the Pope to please liberals and conservatives alike, while increasing his own support base in the Vatican and beyond.

We continue with examples as to how the US government wastes the tax money of American citizens; that arrangements have been made with Mexican drug cartels; that the Obama Administration could have prevented the attack on Benghazi; how widespread the Target data breach has become; and we report on Germany’s anger about America’s unwillingness to rule in the NSA. We also shed some light on the shocking statistic of “fatalities” of innocent civilians through American drone attacks.

We point out Iran’s blatant defiance of their Geneva agreement with the USA and other world powers; report on Ariel Sharon’s death and the homosexual life style in Tel Aviv—the “bastion of secularism”; speak about an explosive archeological find in territories claimed by the Palestinian Authority; quote Palestinian leader Abba’s refusal to recognize Israel; and conclude with a report on mysterious massive extinction of fish in Nevada.

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“We Want a United States of Europe!”

The Telegraph wrote on January 11:

“A campaign for the European Union to become a ‘United States of Europe’ will be the ‘best weapon against the Eurosceptics’, one of Brussels’ most senior officials has said. Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission and the longest serving Brussels commissioner, has called for ‘a true political union’ to be put on the agenda for EU elections this spring. ‘We need to build a United States of Europe with the Commission as government and two chambers – the European Parliament and a “Senate” of Member States,’ she said.

“Mrs Reding’s vision, which is shared by many in the European institutions, would transform the EU into [a] superstate relegating national governments and parliaments to a minor political role equivalent to that played by local councils in Britain. Under her plan, the commission would have supremacy over governments and MEPs in the European Parliament would supersede the sovereignty of MPs in the House of Commons. National leaders, meeting as the European Council, would be reduced to consultative, second chamber role similar to the House of Lords…

“Mrs Reding’s comments illustrate the growing gulf between a Europe committed to ‘ever closer union’ and Britain, which is pushing to reduce the EU’s powers… While Britain may have been written off, concern is mounting because hostility has reached unprecedented levels across continental Europe and anti-EU parties are leading the polls in France, the Netherlands and Greece. Senior EU figures, such as Mrs Reding, want the European elections in May to move beyond debates over eurozone austerity by embracing a grand vision of Europe. ‘This debate is moving into the decisive phase now. In a little more than four months’ time, citizens across Europe will be able to choose the Europe they want to live in,’ she said…

“Speaking in Athens, José Manuel Barroso, the commission president, signalled that the EU would use the centenary of World War One to warn that Euroscepticism, far-Right and populist anti-European parties could bring war back to Europe…[He said:] ‘It is especially important to recall this as we will commemorate this year the start of the First World War. We must never take peace, democracy or freedom for granted. It is also especially important to remind this as in May the peoples of Europe will be called to participate in European elections.’”

The Bible shows that Europe will unite—including politically and militarily—under German leadership.

Germany Has Been Wanting a United Europe

On January 15, 2014, the International Herald Tribune published an article from January 15, 1964:

“West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard called today [Jan. 15] for a united Europe with British participation. Mr. Erhard, who arrived for a two-day official visit, made his appeal in a speech at a Mansion House banquet given in his honor by the Lord Mayor of London. ‘Europe will remain a torso unless it is joined by Great Britain,’ he told the gathering of British and German leaders. Mr. Erhard was greeted in London by Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home. In his speech, Mr. Erhard said Germany has proposed ‘a new Initiative’ to prevent Europe from being strangled by technocrats. The Chancellor, in contrast to French President Charles de Gaulle, called for an outward- looking Europe. ‘The Atlantic partnership is indispensable if we are to survive in this world of tension,’ he said. ‘If Europe is to play a decisive role in world politics and make its influence felt, this also means that it has to be a united Europe, a community of free equals.’”

UK Threatens Again with European Exit

The Guardian wrote on January 14:

“George Osborn will today deliver a stark warning to Britain’s European partners that the UK will leave the EU unless it embarks on whole-scale economic and political reform. The chancellor’s comments come as the Tory leadership tries to regain the initiative on Europe, after 95 MPs signed a letter calling for the dismantling of the core principles of the EU… Tory backbencher Bernard Jenkin won the support of about 100 MPs for a letter to David Cameron calling for the British parliament to be given a veto over all EU laws.

“Such a move would dismantle the rules of the European single market…  Osborne will make clear that Cameron will push for wide-ranging reforms if he wins the general election next year with a mandate to renegotiate the terms of British membership.”

Deutsche Welle added on January 15:

“Osborne once again went as far as to say that Britain might be forced to leave the European Union, should the rights and interests of EU members currently not in the single-currency be neglected… His renewed EU exit threats came as Osborne remained under pressure from the euroskeptic wing of his Conservative Party, with Prime Minister David Cameron having promised to hold a referendum on EU membership by 2017, should he be re-elected next year.”

Soon, the wish of the UK will become true, and they will leave or be excluded from the unification of the core nations of Europe.

New European No-Spying Pact?

The Local wrote January 16:

“Germany has hosted confidential EU talks for months to forge a ‘no-spying’ pact among its member states, a drive opposed especially by Britain, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.  The Süddeutsche Zeitung report came two days after the newspaper said that similar US-German talks were seen close to failure, sparking denials from both Berlin and Washington…

“In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations, Germany ‘is negotiating with the EU member states a European anti-espionage agreement,’ the Süddeutsche and public broadcaster NDR reported. Such a pact had been discussed confidentially for months in Berlin and would commit the countries of the 28-nation bloc ‘to refrain from mutual espionage’, both political and economic, the daily said.”

How to Make German Military an “Attractive Employer”

The Associated Press reported on January 12:

“Germany’s new defense minister is pledging to make the country’s military more attractive for people with young families as the all-professional force seeks recruits. Ursula von der Leyen, a mother of seven, became Germany’s first female defense minister last month — inheriting an ongoing military overhaul after Germany abandoned conscription in 2011.

“Von der Leyen said in an interview with Sunday’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper that ‘reconciling service and family’ is the key issue in efforts to make the Bundeswehr an attractive employer. She said she will review its practice of regularly moving service-people, suggested it could explore part-time options and added the military needs ‘a flexible childcare system.’”

Germany’s military is destined to become very powerful.

Vatican Claims Diplomatic Immunity for Alleged High-Ranking Sex Offender

The Associated Press reported on January 11:

“The Vatican has told Polish prosecutors that its former ambassador to the Dominican Republic, under investigation for alleged sex abuse, is covered by diplomatic immunity and that the Vatican doesn’t extradite its citizens, Polish officials said in the latest development in an embarrassing case for the Holy See.

“Polish Archbishop Josef Wesolowski is the highest-ranking Vatican official to be investigated for alleged sex abuse, and his case has raised questions about whether the Vatican, by removing him from Dominican jurisdiction, was protecting him and placing its own investigations ahead of that of authorities in the Caribbean nation.

“The Holy See recalled Wesolowski on Aug. 21 and relieved him of his job after the archbishop of Santo Domingo, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez, told Pope Francis in July about rumors that Wesolowski had sexually abused teenage boys in the Dominican Republic. Dominican authorities subsequently opened an investigation, but haven’t charged him. Poland, too, has opened an investigation into Wesolowski and a friend and fellow Polish priest…

“That two Vatican entities are investigating Wesolowski suggests that he has remained inside the Vatican ever since his recall. The Vatican has refused to say where he is, provide information about whether he has a lawyer or how he has responded to the accusations.

“The case is particularly problematic for the Vatican since Wesolowski was a representative of the pope, accused of grave crimes that the Holy See has previously sought to distance itself from by blaming the worldwide sex abuse scandal on wayward priests and their bishops who failed to discipline them. The Wesolowski case is also delicate because he was both ordained a priest and bishop by his Polish countryman, Pope John Paul II, who will be made a saint in April.”

The Catholic Church under its new Pope is by no means turning into an organization which will show much transparency. One is reminded of President Obama’s promises to run a transparent government, while the facts are that his administration has become one of the least transparent US administrations of all times.

Pope Francis Pleases Conservatives!

Newsmax wrote on January 13:

“Pope Francis, whom conservatives in the Roman Catholic Church have accused of not speaking out forcefully enough against abortion, on Monday called the practice ‘horrific’. The pope made his toughest remarks to date on abortion in his yearly address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, a speech known as his ‘State of the World’ address. ‘It is horrific even to think that there are children, victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day,’ he said in a section of the speech about the rights of children around the world.

“Since his election in March, the pope, while showing no signs of changing the Church’s position against abortion, has not spoken out against it as sternly or as repeatedly as his predecessors Pope Benedict XVI and the late John Paul II. Both of those popes often delivered sermons against abortion, which the Church considers murder.

“Conservatives in the Church were alarmed when Francis, in a landmark interview in September with the Italian Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica, said the Church must shake off an ‘obsession’ with teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality. His stance favoring mercy over condemnation has disoriented conservative Catholics, notably in rich countries such as the United States, where the Catholic Church has become polarized on issues such as abortion.

“Last year, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, spoke for many conservative Catholics when he said he was disappointed that the pope had not addressed ‘the evil of abortion’ more directly. Conservative Catholic websites have criticized the pope in the past months for what they called his silence on abortion.”

Pope Francis is anxious to please all sides. Note the next article.

Pope Francis Pleases Liberals

The New York Times wrote on January 13:

“Francis is steadily replacing traditionalists with moderates… Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, one of the highest-ranking Americans in the Vatican, found his influence diluted. Another conservative, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, was demoted. Among the bishops, Archbishop Guido Pozzo was sidelined. To some degree, Francis, 77, is simply bringing in his own team…

“Interviews with cardinals, bishops, priests, Vatican officials, Italian politicians, diplomats and analysts indicate that the mood inside the Vatican ranges from adulation to uncertainty to deep anxiety, even a touch of paranoia. Several people say they fear Francis is going department by department looking for heads to roll. Others whisper about six mysterious Jesuit spies who act as the pope’s eyes and ears on the Vatican grounds. Mostly, once-powerful officials feel out of the loop…

“Francis remains tricky to define, a doctrinal conservative whose humble style and symbolic gestures have thrilled many liberals.”

The true colors of Pope Francis will be revealed very soon.

Kerry Asks Vatican For Help

JTA wrote on January 14:

“U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry asked the Vatican to intercede in helping free American-Jewish contractor Alan Gross from a Cuban jail. Kerry said in a meeting Tuesday with the Vatican’s secretary of state, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, they discussed Cuba and the need for respect for freedom of religion and human rights in the island nation. ‘I raised the issue of Alan Gross and his captivity, and we hope very much that they might be able to be of assistance with respect to that issue,’ Kerry told reporters following the meeting…

“Kerry is the first Catholic U.S. secretary of state in more than 30 years, according to Reuters. He and Parolin in their meeting also discussed such issues as Syria, Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations and global poverty.”

World politicians will turn more and more towards the Vatican for help.

How the US Government Wastes Our Money…

Engadget wrote on January 8:

“The International Space Station just got another lease on life. The White House has approved funding that would keep the floating lab running until ‘at least’ 2024, as long as other countries also chip in.

“The additional funding should help both general science research as well as the human endurance studies that NASA needs for voyages to asteroids and Mars. The extension is primarily good news for those who want a long-term human presence in space; it’s the second extension past the original 2015 decommissioning timeframe…”

While the poor in this country increase and unemployment benefits and disability payments are being withheld, money is being pilfered to explore space—in the vain attempt to find life out there to “prove” the ungodly concept of the evolution hypostasis.

House Passes Spending Bill Without Reading It

Breitbart wrote on January 15:
“On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the 1,582 page omnibus spending bill worth more than a trillion dollars of spending to accompany the recently-passed budget deal. The deal came up for the vote in the House less than two full days after it was introduced Monday evening, meaning that many of the members who voted for it likely did not read it. The vote overwhelmingly passed the House with a total vote count of 359-67. Only three Democrats – Reps. Rush Holt (D-NJ), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC) – voted against it, while 64 Republicans did the same… this bill was conceived in a flawed process, which exemplifies dysfunctional Washington. This massive 1,582 page bill was written behind closed doors. There was no open debate. No amendments were allowed…”
The Los Angeles Times added on January 16:

“Congress gave final approval Thursday to a $1-trillion spending bill, but not without a last-minute standoff in the Senate by tea party Republicans who opposed the measure. Conservative Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) kept senators in suspense throughout the afternoon as he considered his options for blocking the bipartisan measure, which was overwhelmingly approved Tuesday by the House. Eventually, the tea party opponents lost their fight and the measure was approved on a lopsided vote, 72-26.

“Seventeen Republicans voted in favor and 26 opposed. All Democrats and independents voted in favor. President Obama is expected to quickly sign the bill into law before Saturday’s midnight deadline when funding for federal operations runs out… Budget issues continue to divide Republicans. The party’s top leaders in the Senate, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, voted against the measure, as did the GOP’s potential presidential hopefuls, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).”

US Government “Arrangements” with Mexican Drug Cartel

Business Insider wrote on January 13:

“An investigation… found that between the years 2000 and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs while Sinaloa provided information on rival cartels. Sinaloa, led by Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a presence in cities across the U.S. There have long been allegations that Guzman, considered to be ‘the world’s most powerful drug trafficker,’ coordinates with American authorities.

“But the El Universal investigation is the first to publish court documents that include corroborating testimony from a DEA agent and a Justice Department official… ‘The DEA agents met with members of the cartel in Mexico to obtain information about their rivals and simultaneously built a network of informants who sign drug cooperation agreements, subject to results, to enable them to obtain future benefits, including cancellation of charges in the U.S.’ reports El Universal, which also interviewed more than one hundred active and retired police officers as well as prisoners and experts.”

Nothing new under the sun… but still shocking to be reminded of such activities…

Murder of Four Americans in Benghazi Could Have Been Prevented

The New York Times wrote on January 15:

“A stinging report by the Senate Intelligence Committee released Wednesday concluded that the attacks 16 months ago that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, could have been prevented, and blames both American diplomats and the C.I.A. for poor communication and lax security during the weeks leading up to the deadly episode.

“The report is broadly consistent with the findings of previous inquiries into the September 2012 attacks, which has become the subject of a fiercely partisan debate, with Republicans charging that Obama administration officials made misleading statements about connections between the attackers and Al Qaeda… [The report] is unsparing in its criticism of the State Department for failing to provide adequate security at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi… The report found that, in the months before the attacks, American intelligence agencies gave ample warning about deteriorating security in Benghazi and the risks to Americans in the city… Moreover, the committee found, the Pentagon was ill prepared to deal with crisis that night…”

While all this incompetency was going on, the American public was misled into believing that the attack was just a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Mohammed movie.

Target’s Data Breach

cnet.com wrote on January 10:

“Target’s data breach is much broader than once believed. The nationwide retailer on Friday announced that personal information on as many as 70 million additional customers was stolen as part of the company’s payment card data breach. The information stolen includes names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, the company said. While Target spokesperson Molly Snyder said that there could be some overlap with the approximately 40 million people first said to be affected by the breach in December, the new total of people impacted by the breach could be as high as 110 million…

“Not surprisingly, hackers moved quickly to take advantage of the stolen information and put the information on the black market. According to reports, following the Target breach there was a ‘ten-to-twentyfold increase’ in stolen cards available on underground markets…

“Target, which has nearly 1,800 stores in the US, said Friday that affected customers will suffer no liability for any fraudulent charges. The company will also offer one free year of credit monitoring and identity theft protection… the company was forced to lower its fourth-quarter sales forecast, saying that it experienced ‘meaningfully weaker-than-expected sales’ following the data-breach announcement.”

Many customers of other companies are apparently being “targeted” as well, but it may take years to find out the terrible scope of those affected by these unscrupulous vicious criminals.

Germany Outraged over Obama and “No-Spy Agreement” with USA

Deutsche Welle reported on January 15:

“Talks between Berlin and Washington over a deal to not spy on each other was announced last August, after it was revealed the US tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone. A New York Times report in December had hinted that Germany would likely be disappointed in its efforts to broker a deal. The paper reported Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice had already warned the government in Berlin that Washington did not want to set an international precedent by making an explicit arrangement with Germany.

“On Tuesday, Munich-based newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung quoted a German source close to the talks as saying: ‘We’re getting nothing.’ Interior Ministry Parliamentary State Secretary Günter Krings, of Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats party (CDU), conceded that information the US has supplied on NSA spying was ‘highly unsatisfactory,’ but said that to achieve more transparency the no-spy agreement negotiations had to continue…

“Adding to the controversy over the spying affair was the revelation Wednesday that the NSA has developed the ability to spy on computers that are not connected to the internet. According to the New York Times, the NSA has implanted software in 100,000 computers around the world allowing the agency to conduct surveillance and creates a ‘digital highway’ for launching cyber-attacks…”

Deutsche Welle added on January 14:

“In a story that ran under the headline ‘The US lied to us,’ the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), along with national public broadcaster NDR, reported on Monday (13.01.2013) that the planned no-spy agreement between the US and Germany was on course to fail, according to insiders.

“On Tuesday (14.01.2013), the SZ voiced an expectation that US President Barack Obama could make a statement on reforms at the NSA this week, but claimed that these are likely to be ‘political declarations’ rather than detailed agreements. An opinion piece also published in the Munich-based paper on Tuesday poured scorn on US justifications for refusing to come to a binding agreement, for example by pointing out that ‘The US refusal [to agree to stop spying on German politicians] shows that the fight against terrorism is only an excuse.’ The daily paper claimed that it was an illusion to think that the spying was an ‘aberration, an excess of the US intelligence agency alone, and not of US politics in toto’, which it concludes must see itself as ‘above the law.’

“The national daily Die Welt hypothesized about possible ways to protect German privacy if the no-spy agreement really and truly falls through. Several German politicians interviewed by the paper suggest that technical advancements could prevent spying or at least make it more difficult. According to member of the Bundestag Wolfgang Bosbach one way would be to create a European Internet server, so that German internet traffic would no longer pass through US servers – along the lines of a similar suggestion made by Germany’s Digital Infrastructure Minister Alexander Dobrindt. The paper also quotes a spokesman of the conservative CDU party, Stephan Mayer, who explains that such technical solutions would entail increased investment in the Federal Office for Information Security: ‘We need a bigger toolbox,’ he told Die Welt.

“The Kölner Stadtanzeiger cautioned that the Süddeutsche Zeitung’s claims, which it also reported, have not been ‘officially confirmed’ and added that ‘German security politicians had been becoming less and less hopeful in the past weeks’ anyway. The article also calls on Chancellor Angela Merkel to finally take a stand on the issue, rather than shirking her responsibilities, as she did at the height of the scandal last summer.

“The weekly news magazine Stern went further in chastizing the government and Angela Merkel’s politics in particular. It wrote that by refusing to guarantee that the NSA will stop spying on German politicians and adhere to German law in their missions in Germany, US President Obama has ‘conclusively downgraded Germany to a second-class ally,’ and is even labeling the country as a potential enemy. And since Merkel was depending on the negotiations over a no spy agreement to resolve the NSA scandal, Stern concludes that ‘The German state is not able to protect our civil rights. It can’t even protect itself.’ And if Merkel ‘doesn’t dare’ to risk putting transatlantic relations on the line to ‘put up a fight,’ the NSA will have won, the newpaper said.”

America is playing with fire, and Angela Merkel’s dillydallying around will soon backfire, because Germans will not much longer tolerate the irresponsible conduct of the American and German leadership.

Innocent Drone Deaths—Shocking Statistics

Breitbart wrote on January 10:

“Sometime within the last year, the U.S. has probably killed more innocent people through drone strikes than the 2,606 U.S. citizens killed on 9/11. Although there are no hard numbers for the public to source, the statistical ratio from leaked sources can provide reasonable assurances that, at some point in the last year, we have surpassed this threshold.

“Back in February 2013, while speaking at a Rotary Club meeting, Senator Lindsey Graham stated that the number of people killed by our current drone program was 4,700. The most recent data added another approximately 271 persons to this total. Although from a historical casualty perspective, 4,971 is not a large number when a country is at war, the number of deaths of innocent people relative to deaths of ‘high-value targets’ is deeply skewed. This makes the existing drone policy nothing more than an Al Qaeda recruiting tool.

“The U.S. has incinerated innocent women and children as well as low-level minions who pose no risk to our country in the process of fighting our endless War on Terror. The irony of this war is that through our own actions, we are creating a new crop of jihadists who might have otherwise lived their lives out in peace.

“In the 2008 and 2012 election cycles, Presidential candidate Ron Paul brought up the concept of ‘blowback’ to the American public. People like Rudy Giuliani showed their ignorance by laughing in response. This term, familiar within government circles, is not something the average man on the street spends any time contemplating. In essence, by waging a covert war from the skies, the very thing we are trying to stop – terrorism – might blowback in our faces further down the road when the families of innocent victims set out to avenge their loved ones’ murders.

“The reaction of some Americans, if this were to happen to their friends or family, would be nothing short of an all-out bloodbath exacted on the perpetrators. For example, if Mexico, in its efforts to stop their drug cartels from operating within our borders, were to employ drones to do their dirty work, and this resulted in the deaths of innocent citizens, it would not be surprising to see within hours the great state of Texas mobilizing and loading for bear. What will we say to Russia or China in the future if they begin deploying drones in foreign lands? We have set a terrible precedent.

“The problem we have with evaluating this program is that the public has been intentionally kept in the dark about what our country is doing. This administration, which ran on being ‘the most transparent ever,’ has been exposed as even more secretive and devious than its predecessor. It’s no wonder the American public has grown to fear its own government more than terrorists; we are being told lies all the time!

“How can the public have confidence that the numbers we have been given are, in fact, true?… Patrolling high above the clouds on the other side of the world, drones have mistaken things like wedding parties and tribal gatherings for Al Qaeda. Heather Linebaugh, former Air Force Geo-spatial analyst who has firsthand knowledge of a drone’s limitations, reported to The Guardian that what ‘the public needs to understand is that the video provided by a drone is not usually clear enough to detect someone carrying a weapon, even on a crystal-clear day with limited clouds and perfect light.’…”

This conduct by the American government and military is truly appalling.

Iran in Blatant Defiance of Geneva Deal

Debka wrote on January 9:

“Iran’s utilization of advanced IR-2m centrifuges for enriching uranium, in violation of the interim Geneva accord, was presented by the US and the five powers Wednesday, Jan. 8, as the main difficulty in its implementation… Iran has not even started implementing any part of the Geneva accord it signed last November 24…

“Iranian Majlis member Mohammed Nabavian took the podium on Friday January 3… The main point of Nabavian’s narrative wasn’t just confirmation that Iran possesses the capacity to produce a nuclear bomb at extremely short notice, but its continued development of ever-faster centrifuges that will dramatically change these figures within a short time and produce a complete arsenal aimed at a single target: Israel.

“This is not what President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry or Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to hear or bring to general knowledge. The Iranians have no such inhibitions and are making no bones about flouting at least five separate clauses of the nuclear pact they signed in Geneva – plus one:

“1.  There has been no suspension or slowdown of 20-percent uranium enrichment.

“2.  Uranium enrichment to 3.5- and 5-percent purity continues apace in disregard of the ceiling agreed in Geneva.

“3. Advanced IR-2m centrifuges continue to roll off the assembly lines. Making a slight bow to the pact, they are being installed at Fordo and Natanz in individual units, not cascades. The Geneva pact bans their installation in any shape or form.

“4. Iran has not stopped preparations for moving up to 60-percent enrichment and is being urged by many voices at home to go up to 80 percent. Iran’s pretext is that this level is necessary to fuel the reactors of the nuclear vessels it is building.

“5. There has been no pause in the high-speed construction of the heavy water-plutonium plant at Arak.

“6. Neither is there any slowdown at the research and development centers for nuclear weapons. Since the military dimension of Iran’s nuclear program was left unmentioned in the Geneva accord, Tehran is at liberty to continue this pursuit free of international inspection while denying it is taking place.”

This “deal of the Century” was a joke from the outset. One wonders whether the USA and the other “world” powers negotiating with Iran are really that naïve, or whether some act with ulterior motives, while God has poured on others the spirit of slumber.

JTA wrote on January 12:

“Iran and six world powers signed an agreement implementing a plan that temporarily freezes Iran’s nuclear production. The Joint Plan of Action, which was finalized and approved on Sunday, will go into effect on Jan. 20.

“Under the plan first agreed to in November, Iran will freeze most of its nuclear enrichment capability, including not installing or starting up additional centrifuges or using next-generation centrifuges. In return, the United States and five other world powers — Germany, Russia, England, France and China — will provide Iran with some economic sanctions relief. Iran also will allow new and more frequent inspections of its nuclear sites.”

We will see whether this new “agreement” will be worth the paper it is written on. Note the next article.

Iran’s Victory and the Surrender of the Western Powers

The Associated Press reported on January 14:

“President Hassan Rouhani has praised a landmark nuclear deal struck in Geneva as his country’s victory, telling a home crowd it effectively means the ‘surrender’ of Western powers to Iranian demands. The remarks were part of the moderate Rouhani’s efforts to bring around hard-liners who claim the deal tramples on Iran’s enrichment rights.

“Last week, the six-nation group — the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany — and Iran agreed to start implementing the terms of the November deal later this month.”

Ariel Sharon (85) Has Died

Newsmax wrote on January 11:

“Ariel Sharon —  the military hero and prime minister who was among the most controversial figures in the history of Israel — has died, eight years after the massive stroke that left him comatose. He was 85. He died Saturday at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, outside of Tel Aviv, where he has been cared for since 2006.

“Over his long career Sharon served as Israel’s 11th prime minister, headed several ministries including Defense, and rose to the rank of general in the Israeli army, seeing action in all four of Israel’s major wars. Reviled by Arabs over his hardline policies and viewed with a mixture of respect and suspicion by many Israelis, Sharon had been on life support at the hospital far from the public gaze…

“Sharon’s bold maneuver in crossing the Suez Canal and encircling Egypt’s Third Army was considered the key to Israel’s ultimate victory and led the Israeli public to nickname him ‘The King of Israel’ and ‘The Lion of God.’… In 1983, an Israeli state inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the killing of hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children at Beirut’s Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. The slaughter took place after the Israeli army, which invaded Lebanon in 1982, allowed Israeli-backed Christian Phalangist militiamen to enter the camps. Sharon was forced to resign his post…

“On Sept. 28, 2000, Sharon — then head of the Likud Party — led more than 1,000 Israeli police officers to the Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem, a Jewish holy site that also includes two of Islam’s holiest sites, the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque. He declared that the complex would remain under perpetual Israeli control. The provocative move torpedoed ongoing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians and led to the Palestinian uprising known as the intifada. But Sharon and his supporters claimed that Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian National Authority had planned the uprising months before Sharon’s visit…

“He ordered the unilateral withdrawal of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip, expelling nearly 10,000 settlers from 21 settlements in August 2005. Israeli soldiers formally left Gaza in September.  Critics of the withdrawal point to the territory’s seizure two years later by Hamas Islamists opposed to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and to intensive rocket fire from Gaza. The withdrawal decision sparked bitter protests from members of the Likud Party. Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quit the Cabinet in protest.

“In November 2005, Sharon resigned as head of Likud to form a new party, Kadima, and his rival Netanyahu took over as leader of Likud… Polls in November 2005 indicated that Sharon was likely to beat Netanyahu at the polls, but on Dec. 18, he suffered a mild stroke while heading to his ranch in the Negev Desert. He left the hospital after two days, but on Jan. 4, 2006, suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage that left him comatose and on life support… Within months, Sharon was transferred to a long-term care unit at Sheba. Medical experts said his cognitive abilities were destroyed by the stroke and he was in a persistent vegetative state with little chance of regaining consciousness, though family members refused to allow them to turn off his life support… In the end, he died peacefully.”

Tel Aviv—Bastion of Secularism

The Local wrote on January 11:

“Israel unveiled Friday a memorial in Tel Aviv to remember the gay and lesbian victims of Nazi persecution, in a ceremony attended by Germany’s ambassador. Members of Tel Aviv’s gay community turned out to see the stone monument, modelled on the pink triangle Nazis made homosexuals wear in concentration camps during World War II, which features inscriptions in German, Hebrew and English. ‘In addition to the extermination of Europe’s Jews, the Nazis committed many atrocities, in an attempt to destroy anyone who was considered different,’ Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai said at the unveiling…

“The heart of Israel’s cultural life and a bastion of secularism, Tel Aviv hosts an annual gay pride parade with relatively few objections from the country’s religious community, unlike similar events in Jerusalem that have seen violence and even one stabbing. Israel is widely seen as having liberal gay rights policies, despite the hostility shown towards homosexuals, particularly men, from the ultra-orthodox Jewish community… Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany sent thousands of homosexuals to concentration camps in the 1930s and 1940s, and the Gestapo secret police arrested an estimated 100,000 men for being gay.”

Jewish Discovery Might Cause Diplomatic Earthquake

Israel Today reported on January 10:

“We reported last year on the discovery of an ancient biblical-era palace probably dating back to the time of King David himself that was subsequently covered up for political reasons. Now, the group that stumbled upon the unprecedented find tells Israel National News that they will publicly reveal the location of the buried palace next Friday, January 17, an event that is likely to cause a diplomatic earthquake…

“At the time, a member of the Kfar Etzion Field School in the Eztion Bloc of Jewish communities had stumbled across an ancient ornate pillar as he descended into a cave in the Judean hills. The pillar and its attached capital clearly belonged to a royal structure, and local archaeologists said it certainly dated back to the times of the Judean kings, if not David himself…

“The Antiquities Authority later confirmed to Makor Rishon that the find exists, and had actually been first discovered the year prior, but that political sensitivities had prevented archaeologists from exploring the site. It was pointed out that the find is located in territory claimed by the Palestinian Authority. Uncovering a major and even unprecedented archaeological site that solidifies the ancient Jewish presence in and control of these lands could upset the peace process.”

No Recognition of Israel?

JTA wrote on January 12:

“Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas told supporters that he will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state or sign a peace deal that fails to include eastern Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state… Abbas also said he would not negotiate beyond the original nine-month deadline set by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for the U.S.-backed negotiations to end in a final status deal. After the deadline, which expires in May, Abbas said he will seek international recognition for a Palestinian state without an agreement.

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will not sign an agreement unless the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Kerry reportedly will return soon to the region to present a framework agreement to Israeli and Palestinian negotiators that covers the core issues.”

There will not be a true and lasting peace treaty with Israel in the Middle East. It is prophesied that the state of Israel will be attacked and occupied by European powers, and that God will allow this to happen to punish Israel for their sins (compare, for example, the previous article on Tel Aviv). Subsequently, the invading armies will be overthrown themselves, as Europe is by no means “more righteous” than Israel.

Massive Extinction of Fish

The Associated Press reported on January 15:

“State wildlife officials are trying to figure out why all the fish have died in a northern Nevada marina where the stocked fishery has flourished since the man-made lake was created nearly 15 years ago. As many as 100,000 trout, bass and catfish have died over the past month in the Sparks Marina along U.S. Interstate 80 east of Reno…

“Scientists… don’t understand what sparked the massive die-off… ‘The 100,000 dead fish figure is something that is probably a pretty conservative guess,” said [Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Chris] Healy, who estimates they’ve stocked close to 1 million adult fish in the lake since they started in 1998… ‘We don’t know if any small fish have survived, but for all intents and purposes, the fishery doesn’t exist anymore,’ he told The Associated Press…”

The Bible predicts that in these end times, many land animals and ALL fish will die.

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Does Acts 1:15 say that Christ had only about 120 disciples at that time? Does this not contradict 1 Corinthians 15:6 which states that Christ had appeared after His resurrection to 500 brethren?

In Acts 1:15, it says there were about 120 disciples.

In 1 Corinthians 15:6, we read that Christ appeared to 500 “brethren” or disciples.

Many commentaries suggest that the 120 disciples, mentioned in Acts 1:15, only refer to those in Jerusalem, and that the 500 brethren were living in Galilee at that time.

Jamieson, Fausset and Brown states: “… the number … about an hundred and twenty—Many, therefore, of the ‘five hundred brethren’ who saw their risen Lord ‘at once’ (1Co 15:6), must have remained in Galilee.”

The People’s New Testament agrees, stating: “[They were] about an hundred and twenty. This was the number of disciples at Jerusalem, but not all who were then disciples. See 1Co 15:6.”

Wesley’s Notes add: “Who were together in the upper room were a hundred and twenty – But he had undoubtedly many more in other places; of whom more than five hundred saw him at once after his resurrection, 1Cor 15:6.”

On the other hand, Barclay, The Acts of the Apostles, thinks there were only 120 disciples at that time: “There were only 120 pledged to Christ and it is very unlikely that any of them had even been outside the narrow confines of Palestine in his life. Since there were about 4,000,000 Jews in Palestine, this means that fewer than 1 in 30,000 were Christians… If ever anything began from small beginnings the Christian Church did.”

Does 1 Corinthians 15:6 support the idea that Christ had more than 120 disciples at the time of Acts 1:15? Does the reference of 500 disciples in 1 Corinthians 15:6 refer to the time prior to Acts 1:15, or does it describe a subsequent event?

In the New King James Bible, Paul says in 1.Corinthians 15:3-8:

“For I delivered to you first of all which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,  and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas, then [Greek ”eita”] by the twelve. After that [Greek: “epeita”] He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. After that [Greek: “epeita”]  he was seen by James, then [Greek: “eita”] by all the apostles. Then last of all [here, the word for “then” does not appear in the Greek; it says, and last of all] He was seen by me also…”

This passage does not have to set forth a time sequence of events or appearances, but it could refer to a list of important events, without setting forth a time sequence.

The Greek word “eita” means “afterwards” or “furthermore.” Compare Hebrews 12:9, where it does clearly NOT describe a time sequence. There, it just sets forth an additional thought or argument.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible  #1534, defines “eita” as a “succession in time or logical enumeration,” and gives alternative renderings such as “then, moreover, furthermore.”

The word “epeita,” Strong’s #1899, is defined as “after that,” and it is stated that it is derived from “eita” and “epi.” The Greek word “epi” (Strong’s #1909) is defined as “superimposition of time or order.”

In Hebrews 7:2, the word “epeita” (rendered as “then” in the New King James Bible) clearly does not describe a time sequence of events. Another example is James 3:17, where an enumeration of important characteristics is being given.

Another example is 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (“Then we who are alive…”). One of our Q&A’s addresses this passage. It shows that the word “then” in that context does not refer to a time sequence of events, as these events, as described, will occur simultaneously.

What Paul is addressing in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 is important proof that Christ was resurrected and that He manifested Himself to the disciples, in bodily form, after His resurrection. He lists different occurrences, not necessarily in time sequence, but perhaps in an order of logical enumeration.

But even if a time sequence is described here, we need to consider the following:

The manifestations of Jesus Christ after His resurrection, as listed by Paul, are by no means exhaustive. He does not list the appearance of Jesus to Mary and the other woman; or to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, when He appeared to them in “another form” (Mark 16:12). In fact, the Bible does not report anywhere else most of the occurrences which Paul lists.

We do not read anywhere else that Jesus appeared to Peter or Cephas [Aramaic name for Peter] alone or at first, and only then or “afterwards” to the twelve. In fact, the Bible states elsewhere that Christ appeared to the women and then to Peter and the other nine apostles, but “doubting Thomas” was not present. Then He appeared to the eleven—not the twelve, as Judas was dead and was not replaced yet by Matthias. THAT appearance [when the apostles had again reached the number twelve] could have only taken place AFTER the event described in Acts 1:15. Even though Matthias had been with Christ and the apostles from the beginning, so had Barsabas (Acts 1:21-23). But Matthias was not an apostle then; it was determined by lot that he should become an apostle and he was then “numbered with the eleven apostles” (verses 25-26). So when Christ appeared to the twelve apostles after His resurrection, it must have occurred after Matthias had become an apostle—that is, after the events described in Acts 1. See also Matthew 28:16 and Mark 16:14-18, where Christ appeared to the “eleven apostles” after His resurrection, to give them “the great commission.”

Likewise, Christ’s additional appearance to Peter alone must have happened on a different occasion—not, when He appeared to the eleven or the twelve or all of the apostles–and the Bible does not tell us, when exactly it occurred. As an additional consideration, note what the apostle John said about his own recounting of the life of Christ:

“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30-31).

We also do not read elsewhere that and when Christ appeared to the 500 brethren; or when He appeared to James, the half-brother of Christ (even though we might conclude that THAT appearance to James did occur in fact prior to the events in Acts 1:15; compare our free booklet, “Jesus Christ—a Great Mystery.”). We are also not told when He appeared to ALL the apostles [obviously referring to more than just twelve, but at the time of Christ’s ascension (Acts 1:6), we only read of eleven apostles, so, as mentioned, the appearance to TWELVE apostles and to “ALL the apostles” (apparently including James at that time) must have taken place AFTER the events in Acts 1:15].

We therefore conclude that some of Christ’s appearances, which are mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15, must have occurred AFTER His ascension and AFTER the event described in Acts 1:15, when about 120 disciples are listed and when Matthias is chosen as one of the apostles, replacing Judas.

Paul is also saying that finally, Christ appeared to him. We know, of course, that He appeared to Paul (then Saul) on his way to Damascus many days after His ascension and the event in Acts 1:15. However, when Christ spoke to Paul on his way to Damascus, the Bible does not tell us that Christ manifested Himself to Paul. We read in Acts 9:3-4 that Paul saw a light which blinded him, and that he heard the voice of Christ. Also, Acts 22:1-21 recounts Paul’s experience in a little more detail; compare in particular verses 6-11. Paul recounts his experience again in Acts 26:12-19, specifically stating that it was a “heavenly vision.”

In addition, Paul was in a “trance” when Christ communicated to him on another occasion (Acts 22:17). This seems to be indicating that Paul saw Him on that occasion in a vision as well (as Stephen did prior to his death, when He saw Christ together with the Father, Acts 7:55-56). We also read that Christ appeared to Paul at one time in another vision (Acts 18:9). [He even saw the third heaven in a vision, compare 2 Corinthians 12:1-4; and John saw the glorified Christ and God the Father in a vision, while on the isle of Patmos, Revelation 1:9-20; 4:2-3].

But we also read in Acts 23:11 that “the following night the Lord stood by” Paul and encouraged him. On that occasion, the way this is worded, it does not say that Paul saw Christ in a vision [compare again by contrast Acts 18:9]; rather, the implication is that Christ seemed to have manifested Himself to Paul at that time (as angels also manifest themselves to man at times, without being recognized by man as angels, Hebrews 13:2). We also recall that Christ, prior to His birth as a human being, manifested Himself on several occasions to man, appearing as a man. He appeared as the high priest Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:1-8); He appeared with two angels to Abraham; and He spoke to Moses who even saw His glory, but only from behind.

In addition, Paul’s reference in 1 Corinthians 15:6 might not have been to any of his VISIONS, during which he saw Christ, as the other occurrences that he mentions in 1 Corinthians 15:5-7 were clearly not “visions” either, but “bodily” manifestations of Christ. Rather, Paul, in mentioning Christ’s appearance to him, might have referred to his lengthy stay in Arabia when he was apparently personally instructed by Christ. In our free booklet, “Paul’s Letter to the Galatians,” we state regarding Galatians 1:11-14:

“‘(Verse 11) But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.’ That is, the gospel of the Kingdom of God is not invented by man. It is a message from God the Father that has to be revealed. In Paul’s case, Christ taught him directly, as is stated in verse 12—apparently, while he lived in Arabia (see below, in verse 17).

“Paul states in Galatians 1:12… ‘For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ…’

“Paul goes on to say… ‘Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus…’

“It appears that Paul was instructed personally by Jesus Christ, when dwelling in Arabia (verse 17)…”

In light of all the foregoing, it appears that the list in 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 does not necessarily set forth a time sequence of events, but even if it does, it is not compelling to conclude that Christ manifested Himself to 500 brethren prior to the event in Acts 1:15. It is plausible that some of Christ’s appearances, including His manifestation to all of the twelve apostles and even to ALL the apostles (more than twelve), and His manifestation(s) to Paul, as well as His manifestation to 500 brethren, occurred after the event described in Acts 1:15, so that the implication is that at the time of Acts 1:15, there were only about 120 disciples who were loyal to Christ.

But we know that subsequently, the Church grew tremendously (compare Acts 2:41, stating that on the Day of Pentecost alone, about 3,000 “souls” were added), but we are also told that later, many fell away from the faith, and the warning remains for us today that prior to Christ’s return, a falling away from the truth in God’s Church is still to occur.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The contract for The Hilton Garden Inn at Pismo Beach is signed for this year’s Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day observance in the US.  We reserved 15 rooms with more available, as needed. Please contact us before the end of January and tell us that you want to stay in the hotel. We will compose an assignment list. The prices and amenities are very close to those of two years ago.

Norbert and Johanna Link will travel to Germany on April 7th of this year. Plans are being made for counseling brethren as well as conducting services for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread along with finalizing organizational arrangements for the Church in Germany. Michael Link will also travel to Germany for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread and assist with Church functions and organizational arrangements. Several baptisms are anticipated, and Norbert Link will officiate at a church wedding on May 1. The Links will also investigate a new Feast site for 2015. Norbert and Johanna Link will return to the US on May 5, 2014. Additonally, plans for the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles are that we will again keep the Feast (from October 8 until October 16, departure date October 17) at the same hotel in the Black Forest (Hotel Birkenhof, Freudenstadt) as we did in 2013. Please contact us before the end of January and tell us that you want to stay in the hotel. We will compose an assignment list. The prices and amenities are very close to those of a year ago.

The 2014 Church Conference will begin Friday, March 28th, and continue through Tuesday, April 1st, in San Diego, California. Brian and Jill Gale will stay following the Conference, and Mr. Gale will conduct Passover services in Ramona, California. Rene and Delia Messier will be in Oregon for Passover and the beginning of Unleavened Bread. Passover Services will be conducted by the ministry in Fort Collins, Colorado, as well.

“Will Pope Francis Reform the Catholic Church?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

What can we expect from Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope in the history of the Catholic Church? Is he a liberal or a conservative? What are his beliefs? How was he elected, and why did Pope Benedict resign? Why is he condoning homosexual conduct? Why is he getting more and more involved in politics? What does Bible prophecy say about all of this?

“Wird Papst Franziskus die Katholische Kirche Reformieren?,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program in which Mr. Link covers much of the same material as summarized above.

A new Member Letter (with attachment) has been written to the German brethren and friends. It announces our Webex meeting this Sabbath (when Norbert Link will address the congregation live right after Sabbath services) and includes a write-up on the first, second and third tithe.

“Gottes Segnungen für Unsere Kinder,” is the title of this week’s German sermon, to be played this coming Sabbath. This is the second part of the German sermon series on the fate of our children. Title in English: “God’s Blessings for Our Children.“

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Safe Zone

by Shelly Bruno

As the Church announced the US Feast site this year, I got excited thinking about celebrating the Holy Days. It’s a time of year that is wonderful and joyous but also safe. I consider it my personal safe zone. It is like that secure place from childhood games—the spot I couldn’t be caught or tagged—but could safely watch everyone else playing.

Today I’m not seeking “safety” in playing a game, but from the season of holidays that has just passed. When Halloween arrives every year with Christmas fast on its heels, I get that queasy feeling of having to work extra hard to avoid the insidiousness of what society celebrates. It’s the time of year when those cultural holidays seep into conversation with others, affront me when I leave my house, or influence every station that delivers music or news.

Thankfully God’s fall festival comes at a perfect time, giving me the extra strength to overcome that influence. And now, with some of the cultural holidays behind me, I look forward to the Spring Holy Days. God’s perfect timing gives me the strength just when I need it. There is more for me to overcome, but that next safe zone is again within sight.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God