Update 998


Measurable Growth; Staying Engaged

On November 27, 2021, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Measurable Growth,” and Eric  Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Staying Engaged”.

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Do You Give Thanks?

by Kalon Mitchell

Since this past Thursday was the day of Thanksgiving here in the United States, it seems kind of self-explanatory that this Editorial would in some way be about thankfulness.

I wonder how we embody thankfulness as Christians. This will be different for each of us as God works with us individually! I am curious though about the mindset that we are cultivating. What do we do on a continual basis in regards to being thankful? What do we have in place to make sure that we are giving thanks to God for everything? How often do we think about how important it is to God that we give Him thanks and praise?

Oftentimes, our thoughts are inward and self-pleasing. When this happens, we start to lean on ourselves or others around us, and we start to leave God out of our picture! This is the exact opposite to what God wants! God desires that we depend on Him for everything. When we are constantly looking to Him, we are going to be searching how we can please Him, how we can do things differently and better. Paul tells us in Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” If we are not in this mindset, then we are in a different mindset.

In a world that is permeated by Satan’s mindset of hate, greed, lust and a general dissatisfaction with life, I wonder how we approach each day and the things that we face. From personal experience, it is very, very easy not to remember the immense number of blessings that God gives us and just focus on the negatives that are happening in our lives!

I have to say that at times, I tend to look at the negatives in my life and dwell on them more than I should or more than is good or necessary. When we have challenging things happening in our lives, we should stop and think about the things or trials that we are going through and start turning to God MORE, so He can show us how to get through whatever it is that we are facing. In this regard, I think often about the Apostle Paul and ALL the things that he went through in his life. I especially find encouragement in what he says in Philippians 4:11-13, quoting from the NIV: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything [or “all things,” according to the New King James Bible] through him who gives me strength.” The “secret” to being able to deal with WHATEVER we are given in this life, is found, I believe, in giving thanks and finding thanksgiving in ALL situations that we go through. We need to have full confidence and faith in God, knowing with certainty that He knows everything about us and cares about us. The Bible is replete with these truths. Notice in Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Also, note this in Hebrews 13:5: “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’”

During tumultuous times, God asks us to focus on Him and His faithfulness to us, rather than being shaken in this conviction by our circumstances; to dwell on His promise to never leave or forsake us; and to trust Him to help us in every situation we face in life. If we can do this more and more, then we are going to grow as Christians. And this is truly what God wants and desires in us, as we read in 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “… in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Finally, reading in Colossians 4:2, we find these timely words:  “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”  I would say, at no other time in our current history should this be more apropos and useful to us than at this time. We are witnessing the world crumble around us, and we know that things will NOT get better, but drastically worse and worse. We must remain close to God asking for His protection, guidance and help in these times we are living; and we must do so with an attitude of thankfulness.

I would like to put forth a challenge for all of us. What would happen if we spent the first couple minutes when we wake up and the last minutes before we go to bed in giving thanks to God? What if instead of every time we went to complain, we stopped and thought about something we could give thanks to God for instead? Based on God’s Word, I would be willing to say that things would start to change for the better in our lives! When we find ways to be thankful, we bring our focus back to God which is where it should be!

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by Norbert Link

We begin with frightening and deeply disturbing developments of potentially huge prophetic proportions in many countries around the world,  especially in Austria and Germany— known for their terrible past atrocities and dictatorships. We also publish an incredible article about Australia.

 Turning to the USA, we report on the unsuccessful “accomplishments” of the TSA [Transportation Security Administration]; the controversial and extremely “costly” “Build Bridges Better” spending bill; the Biden administration’s ongoing push for mandatory vaccinations regardless of the law; attempts to silence Robert Kennedy Jr. and his new book on Dr. Fauci and others; and the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse (please view in this context our new StandingWatch program, “Kyle Rittenhouse—Vigilante and Villain or Patriot and Hero?”). We also report on subsequent violent events which were clearly or at least somewhat related to the Rittenhouse’s acquittal.

We also report on extremely controversial plans in California regarding abortion and teachers.

We continue addressing events in England and Wales in relationship to Boris Johnson’s “competency”; Barbados’s intention to “remove” the Queen; and statements by Catholic bishops; and we speak on Russia’s ongoing plan’s to “annex” Ukraine and the military cooperation between Russia and China.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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We HAVE Seen It Before!

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 18:

“Across Europe, from Germany to Italy, governments are placing millions under house arrest for the ‘crime’ of not being ‘fully’ vaccinated. While there is no public health justification for the move – we know from experts such as the CDC Director that the vaxxed continue to spread the virus – there is a distinct punitive intent. Those who do not follow the orders – as irrational as the orders [are] – are to be denied basic human rights. Haven’t we seen this movie before?”

Absolutely—in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia, East Germany’s communist regime, and in other dictatorships. But most are blind and brainwashed. Warning voices are being ignored. History is repeating itself. Terrible times are ahead of us.

Austria’s Tyranny

The Associated Press reported on November 19:

“Austria announced a new national lockdown and a plan to mandate vaccinations as coronavirus infections hit a record high Friday, forcing the government to walk back promises that such blanket shutdowns were a thing of the past. Imposing a mandate would give Austria one of the world’s most stringent vaccine requirements. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said those who didn’t comply would likely be fined but gave no other details… Starting Feb. 1, the country will also make vaccinations mandatory — though the chancellor gave few details about what that meant or how it would work…

“When the lockdown takes effect early next Monday, restaurants, Christmas markets and most stores will close, and cultural events will be canceled. People will be able to leave their homes only for certain reasons, including buying groceries, going to the doctor or exercising. Wolfgang Mueckstein, the country’s health minister, said that kindergartens and schools would remain open for those who needed them, but all parents were asked to keep their children at home if possible…

“Government officials had long promised that vaccinated people would no longer face lockdown restrictions: Over the summer, then-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz declared the pandemic ‘over’ for those who had received the vaccine…”

God never justifies broken promises. This is ungodly behavior. The Austrian government was in no way “forced” to break their word. To break one’s word is to lie. But it is good politics to lie. That is why a true Christian could not be a politician. Liars will not be in God’s Kingdom. Thank God for that.

The Daily Mail wrote on November 19:

“One of Austria’s main opposition parties has warned the country ‘is now a dictatorship‘ after the government vowed to make Covid vaccines mandatory for everyone from February next year to tackle a wave of Covid cases. Herbert Kickl, leader of the right-wing populist FPO party, slammed Friday’s announcement – which also plunged the country into full lockdown – branding it ‘unconstitutional’ and calling on the country’s top court to intervene… ‘we have reached a level with compulsory vaccination that nobody actually thought was possible…’ Even if the decision to lift the lockdown is taken, the ministers said unvaccinated people will be required to stay in lockdown longer….

“[Chancellor] Schallenberg [accused] the un-jabbed of launching an ‘attack on the health system.’ The move is likely to prove hugely controversial, coming after Austria locked down only unvaccinated people in a move dubbed ‘health apartheid’…”

The FPO’s stance on lockdowns and mandatory vaccination is being condemned as attacks on the health system and the vaccinated, and the FPO is indirectly labeled as an “enemy of the state.” And most Austrians are swallowing it.

Freedom for Austria

The Austrian newspaper Wochenblick wrote on November 23:

“Croatian President Zoran Milanovic is concerned about Austria. The fact that the Corona dictatorship now provides for the compulsory vaccination of Austrians from February reminds him of the 30s. Internationally, Austria is increasingly becoming a negative example. ‘The Nazis are coming back,’ headlines a Greek newspaper. A comparison that would even be illegal in Austria in accordance with the Prohibition Act (NS trivialization, §3h). Croatia’s President describes Austria’s path as ‘fascist’. That’s why he is summoning Vienna’s ambassador.

“According to media reports, Milanovic calls the Corona dictatorship in Austria a ‘catastrophe’. He wants to ‘express our deep concerns about the fundamental freedoms in Austria’ to the ambassador, as the corona restrictions envisaged by Austria’s policy are not scientifically justified and are only aimed at terrorizing people, according to Milanovic.

“‘For a long time, the politicians in the Balkans were lectured by Western Europeans. For example on the subject of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Now Croatia’s president is also speaking out about the human rights violations in this country. He explains: ‘If the Dutch and anyone else comment on Bosnia-Herzegovina every week, then I can also talk about Rotterdam.’ In Rotterdam, the people protested resolutely against the country’s lockdown dictatorship. What happened in Austria reminded him of fascism. People in Croatia are smarter than the Austrians and will therefore not impose a lockdown. ‘In Austria today, people who have not been vaccinated are forbidden from leaving the house. What is it, science or methods that are reminiscent of the 30s?’ explains Milanovic.

“‘The Nazis are coming again,” headlines an Athens newspaper, “Dimokratia.” Many people are inclined to compare the increasingly dictatorial Corona regime with National Socialism. It is unclear whether Croatia’s president is targeting the Christian-social Austrofascism of the 1930s or National Socialism. The former would be legally permissible and in fact, Austria had this experience of dictatorial leadership beyond the later National Socialist rule …

“If Austrians were to take up the comparison in the Greek newspaper, ‘The Nazis are coming again’, they would at least come close to NS-trivialization. A jury would ultimately decide whether they would even have to serve a prison term for it. Dr. Jaroslav Belsky had to experience a conviction according to §3h of the National Socialist Prohibition Act … He compared the Australian Corona camps with the historical concentration camps. But that doesn’t matter to the Athens newspaper ‘Dimokratia’. It even placed the Nazi comparison on the front page …

“People across Europe fear that our fate will happen to them too. The solidarity is great. Solidarity rallies have already taken place in London, Paris and Germany under the motto ‘Freedom for Austria’.”

It has also been reported that those who refuse to be vaccinated will be punished with heavy fines.

Germany’s Tyranny

Reuters wrote on November 19:

“Asked if Germany could rule out an Austrian-style full lockdown, [German Health Minister Jens] Spahn said: ‘We are now in a situation… where we can’t rule anything out… ‘A total lockdown for Germany would be extremely bad news for the economic recovery,’ said Ludovic Colin, a senior portfolio manager at Swiss asset manager Vontobel…

“Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday Germany will limit large parts of public life in areas where hospitals are becoming dangerously full of COVID-19 patients to those who have either been vaccinated or have recovered from the illness.”

Merkel’s recent comments that she justified and defended her prior unconstitutional lockdown with its restrictions in Germany were already great cause for concern. And nothing good can be expected from chameleon and double-tongued Jens Spahn. But most Germans are as blind as their Austrian neighbors. With the new government taking control, Spahn will exit the political arena soon, but perhaps not for good. Some are already predicting Spahn’s resurgence or comeback in the future (Handelsblatt, November 18).

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 19:

“The plans include mandatory daily testing for employees and visitors of care homes, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not. They also include ‘3G’ rules (vaccinated, recovered, or tested) requiring people to show proof of full vaccination or recovery or a valid negative COVID test result for workplaces and on public transport… Germany’s 16 states will be also able to retain and introduce protective measures. This includes restricting or prohibiting recreational, cultural, and sporting events, banning entry to healthcare facilities and the sale and public consumption of alcohol, and closing universities

“German Green Party lawmaker and doctor Paula Piechotta said… ‘If we can’t achieve sufficient vaccination rates on a non-mandatory basis… ‘we have to talk about vaccine mandates…’”

The Green party, which will be part of the next contemplated government, has shown authoritarian tendencies in the past, especially with their ridiculous “green” policies. The article continues:

Bavaria… imposed a lockdown on all districts that have a seven-day COVID incidence rate of over 1,000 per 100,000 people. Premier Markus Söder said there will be a ‘de facto lockdown’ for unvaccinated people by implementing the ‘2G’ rule across the state. The unvaccinated will lose access to even places like hairdressers, universities or adult education centers. There will also be contact restrictions, with the unvaccinated allowed to meet with a maximum of five people from two households. Even in areas with incidence rates lower than 1,000, there will be restrictions.

“For sports and cultural events, the number of spectators will be limited to 25% of the venue’s total capacity and the ‘2G+’ rule will apply — meaning even the vaccinated and recovered people will be required to produce an additional negative COVID test result. In retail stores, there will be a limit on the number of customers allowed inside: one customer per 10 square meters. All retail outlets and restaurants will also have to be closed by 10 p.m.”

The “free state” of Bavaria, as it calls itself, has always been known for being a place prone to dictatorship, having been “ruled” by dictators such as Franz Josef Strauss and others. Söder is most certainly no exception. So no surprise that Bavaria would jump ahead with authoritarian measures. And all under the disguise of concern for public health.

The Sun added on November 21:

“Germany is set to become the latest European nation to make vaccines compulsory… Ministers and experts said a move to make jabs mandatory was ‘unavoidable’… The country’s tourism czar Thomas Bareiß… [said to the] DPA news agency: ‘It is politically no longer justifiable that entire industries, retailers, restaurants, clubs, bars and the entire cinema, cultural and event scene live in a state of crisis prescribed by the state for 20 months and are faced with great existential fears, while others… take the freedom not to vaccinate.’”

So it’s the fault of the unvaccinated, as the Jews were blamed for everything which was wrong in Germany’s Third Reich. History is just repeating itself… Note the next article.

The Local reported on November 21:

“Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich have docked the wages of unvaccinated players like star midfielder Joshua Kimmich who, along with four unimmunised teammates, is in quarantine over contact with Covid-infected individuals… The latest quarantine order risks inflaming an already heated debate over whether sports personalities should be required to take the jab… Kimmich, 26, had drawn sharp criticism since revealing he opted not to be vaccinated due to ‘personal concerns’… Under new rules taking effect from November 1st, employees who miss work because of a quarantine are no longer entitled to receive compensation if they are unvaccinated

“German leaders this week decided new curbs to spur those holding out against the jab to change their minds. Those not immunised will have to provide negative tests to use public transport or go to the office. They will also be shut out of restaurants, sporting events and cultural shows in regions where the hospitalisation rate stands at above three patients per 100,000 over the past seven days.”

The fact that it has not been established that these vaccinations are even safe does not seem to bother governmental officials and company bosses.

Vaccine Mandate and Test Requirements

The Associated Press reported on November 24:”

“Germans faced a confusing array of pandemic rules, lax enforcement and a national election — followed by a drawn-out government transition during which senior politicians dangled the prospect of further lifting restrictions… Resistance to getting the shot… remains strong among a sizeable minority of the country. Vaccination rates have stalled at 68% of the population, far short of the 75% or higher that the government had aimed for… Older people who got vaccinated early in 2021 are also seeing their immunity wear off, making them vulnerable to serious illness again…

“Some German politicians are suggesting it’s time to consider a vaccine mandate, either for specific professions or for the population as a whole…  Merkel’s likely successor, current Finance Minister Olaf Scholz of the center-left Social Democrats, has refused to be drawn on whether he would back compulsory COVID-19 shots…  Together with the environmentalist Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats, his party recently passed a law that replaces the existing legal foundations for pandemic restrictions with narrower measures, starting Wednesday. These include a requirement for workers to provide their employers with proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test….”

These “narrower measures” have already proved to be a nightmare for unvaccinated workers. Employers become increasingly hostile towards their unvaccinated employees. The test requirements have proven more than just an annoyance.  Beginning Wednesday, employees, depending on where they live, have to be tested DAILY, as the tests are only valid for 24 hours.  

Other European countries, such as Italy, of course, are following Austria’s bad dictatorial example. Reuters reported on November 24:

 “Italy is expected to restrict access to some indoor venues for people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19… The government will approve a decree allowing only those who are vaccinated or have recently recovered from the virus to enter venues such as cinemas, restaurants and hotels as of Dec. 6… The country is also likely to extend mandatory vaccination, already in force for healthcare workers, to teachers and police as of Dec. 15…”

Italy, Germany, Austria… the dictatorships of the past under Hitler and Mussolini are coming together again. But not only there. It’s a worldwide phenomenon, driven by paranoia, brain-washed masses, and the mass media (which Trump, in speaking about the mass media in the USA, just called fake news, corrupt news and the enemy of the people; see Newsmax, November 23).

Now Merkel’s Husband Speaks Out???

The Guardian wrote on November 23:

“Angela Merkel’s husband has accused unvaccinated Germans of ‘laziness’, amid calls for the introduction of mandatory coronavirus jabs to combat a dramatic rise in infections. ‘It is astonishing that a third of the population does not follow scientific findings,’ Merkel’s husband, Joachim Sauer, said in an interview with Italian newspaper la Repubblica and picked up by German daily Die Welt. ‘In part, this is due to a certain laziness and complacency of Germans,’ said Sauer, who seldom speaks in public. ‘The other group are people who follow a personal conviction, a kind of ideological reaction to what they consider a vaccination dictatorship,’ Sauer said…

“The outgoing chancellor, who is acting in a caretaker capacity and will probably be replaced by the finance minister Olaf Scholz next month, has repeatedly urged Germans to get vaccinated….”

Normally, Angela Merkel’s husband has been very quiet and has been living “in seclusion” all these years. For him to speak in public is very rare. In this case, it would have been better if he had stayed quiet as well, instead of making totally unfounded accusations. The persecution of the German federal and state governments against the unvaccinated and the dictatorial and unconstitutional measures and restrictions especially for the unvaccinated are bad enough.

How More Stupid Could It Get?

Bild Online wrote on November 23:

“The Thuringian Justice Committee lifted the immunity of the Thuringian AfD parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke (49) in a meeting on Wednesday … According to reports, the investigation is about a speech that Höcke held in Merseburg (Saxony-Anhalt) and, according to the ‘Spiegel’ report, it ended with the words, ‘Everything for Germany’.

“Saxon-Anhalt Greens chief Sebastian Striegel filed a criminal complaint against Höcke on June 8th – because of the use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations … Striegel referred to an opinion of the Scientific Service of the Bundestag, in which the use of the phrase ‘Everything for Germany’ in the context of a public speech was punishable because it was a slogan of the Nazi organization SA …”

This is silly beyond imagination.

Violent Demonstrations in the Netherlands

The Guardian wrote on November 20:

“In what the Dutch city’s mayor described as an ‘orgy of violence’, crowds of several hundred rioters torched cars, set off fireworks and threw rocks at police during the protests on Friday evening. Police responded with… shots and water cannon. Police said on Twitter on Saturday that 51 people had been arrested, about half of whom were under 18… rioters rampaged through the shopping district, starting fires and throwing stones and fireworks at officers… It was one of the worst outbreaks of violence in the Netherlands since coronavirus restrictions were first imposed last year. In January, rioters attacked police and started fires on the streets of Rotterdam after a curfew came into force.

“The Dutch justice minister, Ferd Grapperhaus, condemned the events. “The riots and extreme violence against police officers, riot police and firefighters last night in Rotterdam are disgusting to see,’ he said in a statement. ‘Protesting is a great right in our society, but what we saw last night is simply criminal behaviour. It has nothing to do with demonstrating.’…

“The government has said it wants to introduce a law that would allow businesses to restrict the country’s coronavirus pass system to people who are fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19, which would exclude people who test negative…”

The group that had organized and then canceled the Amsterdam rally on Saturday said on Facebook it acted because “last night, all hell broke loose in Rotterdam.” Two people were shot and killed during the demonstration. Far too often, demonstrations turn violent. Radical elements use otherwise peaceful demonstrations for their own purposes. Our advice: Stay away from demonstrations.

Demonstrations in many Countries

The Associated Press reported on November 20:

Tens of thousands of protesters… marched through Vienna on Saturday after the Austrian government announced a nationwide lockdown… Demonstrations against virus restrictions also took place in Switzerland, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland and the Netherlands on Saturday… Protesters rallied against coronavirus restrictions and mandatory COVID-19 passes needed in many European countries to enter restaurants, Christmas markets or sports events, as well as mandatory vaccinations…

“[In Austria,] 35,000 protesters participated in different marches across the city, police said, adding that most didn’t wear masks. Police said several protesters were detained, but didn’t give specific numbers… A day after the Rotterdam rioting, thousands gathered on Amsterdam’s central Dam Square, despite organizers calling off the protest. They walked peacefully through the city’s streets… In Italy, 3,000 turned out in the capital’s Circus Maximus, a field where in ancient times Romans staged popular entertainment, to protest against ‘Green Pass’ certificates required at workplaces, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, sports venues and gyms, as well as for long-distance train, bus or ferry travel within Italy…

“In Northern Ireland, several hundred people opposed to vaccine passports protested outside the city hall in Belfast… Some protesters carried signs that have been widely criticized as offensive, comparing coronavirus restrictions to the actions of Nazi Germany. In Croatia, thousands gathered at in the capital Zagreb, carrying Croatian flags, nationalist and religious symbols, along with banners against vaccination and what they describe as restrictions of people’s freedoms.

“In France, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin condemned violent protests in the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, one of France’s overseas territories… Authorities were sending 200 more police officers to the island and on Tuesday will impose a nightly curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. Protesters in Guadeloupe have staged road blockades and set cars on fire. They denounce France’s COVID-19 health pass that is required to access restaurants and cafes, cultural venues, sport arenas and long-distance travel. They are also protesting France’s mandatory vaccinations for health care workers.”

AFP wrote on November 20:

“In Sydney, some 10,000 marched and there were protests in other major Australian cities against vaccine mandates applied to certain occupations by state authorities. ‘In Australia where a fanatical cult runs our health bureaucracies, they say it’s ok (to vaccinate children),’ right-wing politician Craig Kelly told the Sydney crowd to large cheers.”

The Associated Press wrote on November 21:

“Tens of thousands of people marched through central Brussels on Sunday to protest reinforced COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the Belgian government… Many among the police estimate of 35,000 at the rally were also against the government’s strong advice to get vaccinated and any possible moves to impose mandatory shots.”

The demonstrations won’t change the agenda of governments in any way, but the worldwide unrest grows.

Incredible Dictatorship in Australia

Breitbart wrote on November 24:

“Quarantine camps for the unvaccinated. What for months has been dismissed as an idle conspiracy theory is now coming horribly true in Australia’s Northern Territory under the region’s tinpot dictator Michael Gunner. Gunner, the Northern Territory Chief Minister, has proudly boasted that 38 ‘close contacts’ of positive Covid cases have been transferred to quarantine camps in army trucks.

“Australia’s Northern Territory already had some of the strictest lockdown laws in the English-speaking world. The five allowable reasons for leaving your home are: buying food; exercising for up to two hours; caregiving; work; education.

“This latest move by Gunner, of Australia’s left-wing Labor party, represents a rapid escalation of bio-security totalitarianism. The people being targeted are indigenous Australians (otherwise known as Aborigines), an ethnic group which has been especially reluctant to take the Covid vaccine…

“To add insult to injury, quarantine camp prisoners are expected to pay top dollar for their ordeal. [Just to remind our readers, Nazi Germany charged family members for the incarceration and death of their loved ones in concentration camps.]

“Gunner was a hitherto unknown figure outside Australia’s Northern Territory… But his latest media statements have elevated him to global tinpot dictator notoriety status… [In a video, he has] declared war on the anti-vaxxers. According to his definition, this includes even people who have been vaccinated but who oppose his draconian measures. ‘If you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax’, he said.”

Get Rid of TSA

Reason wrote on November 19:

“On this day in 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created… In the ensuing two decades, the TSA has proven itself skilled at harassing travelers and freaking out over pocketknives and water bottles while steadfastly failing at its assigned task of making air transportation any safer. The TSA, in short, is an awful example of government in action…

“The TSA launched with the passage of the Aviation and Transportation and Security Act on November 19, 2001. The new law nationalized passenger screening, which previously had been the responsibility of airlines. It’s not clear why anybody saw a need for the TSA, since it’s unlikely that a federal agency would have been any more successful than private contractors at predicting terrorists’ unprecedented use of aircraft as kamikaze weapons…

‘The TSA blog carries constant reports of weapons confiscated from people who forgot to remove them from carry-on bags. But the Homeland Security Red Teams in the 2015 test actively concealed forbidden items just as real criminals and terrorist would. The result was that ‘TSA agents failed 67 out of 70 tests, with Red Team members repeatedly able to get potential weapons through checkpoints.’ Two years later, a Red Team test at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport achieved the same 95 percent failure rate to detect explosives, weapons, and illegal drugs…

“But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of abject failure represented by the TSA. The agency repeatedly has been called out for spending vast amounts of money on unproven toys and techniques and then failing to assess their effectiveness—or just leaving them to gather dust…

“What the TSA is good at is high-visibility groping, scanning and confiscating. Making people drop their pants, take off their shoes, and surrender their shampoo annoys people in a way that says ‘we’re doing something’ without actually accomplishing anything… ‘Airport security has to change,’ Kip Hawley, one-time head of the TSA wrote in 2012. ‘The relationship between the public and the TSA has become too poisonous to be sustained.’…

“Instead of making headlines with reform, though, the TSA has become better-known for stealing money from travelers. In September, news reports called out the case of TSA working with other agencies to seize $27,600 from a Texas man, apparently because he was traveling to Oregon where marijuana is legal in conflict with federal law; he was never charged with a crime. Last year, the Institute for Justice reported that TSA and its sister agencies at Homeland Security ‘seized over $2 billion in currency at airports’ between 2000 and 2016.

“‘Law enforcement agencies routinely seize currency from travelers at airports nationwide using civil forfeiture—a legal process that allows agencies to take and keep property without ever charging owners with a crime, let alone securing a conviction,’ noted author Jennifer McDonald.

“After 20 years of failure, the Transportation Security Administration continues to waste resources, harass travelers, and actively mug air passengers. It is far more of a threat than the dangers from which it supposedly protects us. At long last, let’s put the agency out of our misery.”

Not to mention the incredible delays and long lines of passengers waiting in airports caused by a far-too-often indifferent TSA personnel .. .and that was even the case BEFORE the coronavirus debacle. Whenever the government puts its greedy and incompetent hands into the pie, disaster follows.

House Approves Biden’s “Build Back Better” Spending Bill

Breitbart wrote on November 19:

“House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) yielded the floor on Friday morning at 5:11 a.m. after speaking for a record eight hours and forty-two minutes against the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar ‘Build Back Better’ social spending bill… McCarthy broke down the bill, attacking it for lavish spending on Democrats’ favored special interest groups while raising taxes on middle-class Americans — and providing an effective tax cut for the wealthy in high-tax, Democrat-run states.

“He noted that the bill… rejected Republican amendments, including one to prohibit funding from going to the Chinese Communist Party… McCarthy added that the country was at a ‘tipping point,’ and that the bill… represented a step toward socialist policies that had already failed in other countries, and government programs that could never be undone… Republicans rose to their feet in a standing ovation as McCarthy finally finished and the House chamber emptied…

“The House passed the $1.7 Build Back Better Act early on Friday morning, sending the bill to the Senate… The bill passed 220-213, with overwhelming Democrat support, and strong Republican opposition to the bill. Only one Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), a swing district Democrat, voted against the bill. The legislation serves as the marquee legislation for President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. Biden pinned his legislative majority on passing dual infrastructure bills, the Build Back Better Act, and the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, otherwise known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Build Back Better Act would massively expand social welfare programs and fund major climate change programs

“The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that the legislation could cost as much as $4.91 trillion over ten years… President Joe Biden and other congressional Democrats have promised that the legislation would cost zero dollars

“The legislation will go to the Senate, where it remains uncertain if moderate Democrats… will support the bill… Democrats cannot afford to lose one vote to pass the bill.”

This presupposes, of course, that RINOs [“Republicans in name only”] will not support the bill, as some did in regard to the equally controversial infrastructure bill.

The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on November 19:

“Overall, this bill remains a piece of junk — written, re-written and re-re-rewritten all year long with no eye on what the nation needs nor even whether it makes any sense, except as an effort to pass some of the left’s longstanding agenda while Democrats are in control. The games they’re playing to make it look not too fiscally irresponsible can’t change that.”

This astronomical ever-climbing irresponsible debt of the USA can never be repaid. The time will come when creditors might take matters into their own hands. The Bible warns us with a reason, in Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant (or slave) to the lender.”

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Despite Court Ruling

Life Site News reported on November 19:

“Days after the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that it will comply with a federal court order not to enforce the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on American businesses, the White House says it still wants businesses to carry out the mandate on their own. ‘Our message to businesses right now is to move forward with measures that will make their workplaces safer and protect their workforces from COVID-19,’ Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday… ‘That was our message after the first stay issued by the Fifth Circuit. That remains our message and nothing has changed.’ ‘We are still heading towards the same timeline’ of a January 4, 2021 deadline for implementation, she continued…

“Psaki’s comments do not carry the force of law, but appear to signal the administration’s intentions to continue informally pushing businesses to force vaccination on their employees regardless of the law.

“Meanwhile, evidence continues to mount undermining the vaccine mandate’s rationale, with a growing body of data indicating that the mass vaccination strategy for defeating COVID-19 has failed…  Noncompliance is further driven by significant unaddressed concerns about the vaccines’ safety, stemming largely from the fact that they were developed and released far faster than any previous vaccine….”

More Nonsense from the Biden Administration

The Associated Press wrote on November 22:

“Joe Biden will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, government and emergency response officials, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22… A senior administration official said the requirement, which the White House previewed in October, brings the rules for essential travelers in line with those that took effect earlier this month for leisure travelers, when the U.S. reopened its borders to fully vaccinated individuals.

“Essential travelers entering by ferry will also be required to be fully vaccinated by the same date, the official said…

“The rules pertain to non-U.S. nationals. American citizens and permanent residents may still enter the U.S. regardless of their vaccination status, but face additional testing hurdles because officials believe they more easily contract and spread COVID-19 and in order to encourage them to get a shot.”

Incredible! Fauci’s Critics Should Be Brought “to Justice”?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 23:

“Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told the Washington Post that critics of Fauci and his organization are spreading misinformation and should be ‘brought to justice.’

“He continues the ‘I am science’ argument of Fauci even as the multitude of flip-flops and failed promises have undermined public confidence.”

This is getting so stupid… but it’s well-organized dangerous stupidity. Note the next two articles.

Don’t Dare to Criticize Fauci!

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on November 23:

 “Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of ‘killing people.’”

Silencing Kennedy

Life Site News wrote on November 22:

“Robert Kennedy Jr. shed light on the deep-seated corruption occurring within Big Pharma and the federal regulatory bodies, including their worrisome ties to billionaire population control advocate Bill Gates. In an  interview on November 15 with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Robert Kennedy Jr., [son of U.S. senator Robert Kennedy and] nephew of late U.S. President John F. Kennedy, detailed the decades-long corruption occurring within the pharmaceutical industry and the federal regulatory agencies. Included is the collusion between Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Gates pursuant to vaccine development, vaccine safety, mass vaccination programs, and legal immunity. ‘[The corruption] began in 1986 when they passed the Vaccine Act and gave complete shield from liability to all vaccine companies,’ Kennedy told Carlson. ‘So, if you’re a vaccine company and you injure somebody, no matter how grievous the injury, no matter how reckless your conduct, no matter how negligent you were, no matter how toxic the ingredient, nobody can sue you.’…

“Tying together Fauci, Gates, and the federal regulatory agencies, Kennedy outlined that in 2000, Fauci flew to Seattle to meet with Gates. During this meeting, they struck a partnership to ‘vaccinate all of humanity’…  With Gates using his large wealth to accumulate partial ownership in all major pharmaceutical companies, as well as significant influence over so-called philanthropic organizations and regulatory agencies, Kennedy stated that nothing goes through the WHO without ‘first being vetted by the Gates Foundation.’

“In effect, Kennedy says that Gates uses his foundation’s influence over the WHO to require countries to use the vaccines he is heavily invested in or they will no longer receive the money from the WHO that they require to operate…”

Kennedy released a new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” which is hitting the bestseller lists, but major networks (Fox News excluded) have refused to even talk about it. The book received the following review by thriftbook.com:

“When the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since November 1984 and the leading architect of ‘agency capture’–the corporate seizure of America’s public health agencies by the pharmaceutical industry–happen to be the same man, conflicts of interest arise. Wearing both hats, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, tasked with managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, peddled and back-pedaled his prescriptions as Pharma profits and bureaucratic powers grew and public health waned. Working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans toward a single vaccine solution to COVID, Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations.

“Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. After effectively abolishing the First Amendment right to free speech, Dr. Fauci subverted our Seventh Amendment rights to jury trials by arranging to shield reckless and negligent pharmaceutical corporations from liability for injuries from any COVID countermeasures, including vaccines. His lockdowns targeted First Amendment religious freedom by closing churches–while keeping liquor stores open as ‘essential businesses’–and abolishing century-old religious exemptions to vaccination.

“Dr. Fauci’s enforced quarantine trampled the Constitutional rights of assembly, of association, and to petition the government, and our Fifth Amendment protection against uncompensated taking of private property. His arbitrary mask and lockdown diktats, without public hearings or rulemaking, strangled our Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment due process guarantees. His tracking and tracing initiatives bulldozed Constitutional rights to privacy and travel, and our Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless searches and seizures. Finally, readers will see how Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, asserting biosecurity rationales, worked together to finance and promote the very gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan that may have released the COVID-19 pathogen.”

No wonder the Biden Administration, Big Pharma and the mass media do not want you to read this book, which, according to the publisher, is well researched with thousands of footnotes, presenting evidence for all of Robert Kennedy’s claims. By the way, Robert Kennedy is an American environmental lawyer.

Rittenhouse Not Guilty

The New York Post wrote on November 19:

“Not guilty on all counts: That verdict comes as no surprise to anyone who’d paid close attention to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial but may shock those who relied on horrifically biased media accounts. Nearly all the early media tropes proved false: He didn’t bring the gun across state lines; he had major roots in Kenosha including his day job and much of his family. He wasn’t a militia-wannabe but an aspiring cop/firefighter/EMT.

“Absolutely nothing suggests he was a ‘white supremacist,’ as no less than Joe Biden claimed right before last year’s election. And the men he shot were all attacking him when he pulled the trigger; all were white, and at least two had histories of violence. None of this makes him a ‘patriot’… But the evidence for self-defense was rock-solid.

“But for months, and even as the trial exposed these facts, the haters stuck to their narrative… The rank, politicized distortions of fact here — and in so many other recent incidents — should teach everyone once and for all not to trust instant analysis or agenda-driven reporting...

“May that lesson sink in widely, not least with the man in charge of upholding America’s institutions and leading the nation to unity.”

The mass media engaged in horrible reporting and misrepresentations, as was pointed out in our last Update. (On November 17, the New York Post listed 10 misrepresentations and outright lies by the mass media in this case.) In addition, important evidence about the prior criminal conduct of the persons Rittenhouse shot was suppressed (showing once again, by way of example, why conscientious Christians cannot possibly serve on a jury). But we also agree with voices like the one of Prof. Dershowitz who warned against idolizing Rittenhouse and making him out to be a hero (Newsmax, dated November 19). Further, although much in an article published by USA Today on November 18, prior to the verdict, is undoubtedly objectionable and wrong, one point is correct:

“What did this boy think would happen if he carried an AR-15-type rifle into the chaos that warm summer night?… Some people argue he’s a positive role model for other young people: He saw a problem. He took action. He stood up when the police stood down… We live in a society where guns have become a fetish for some people [who] claim they are protecting the public. It’s an illusion. And it’s dangerous… My father died 20 years ago. But I know exactly what he would say about the events in Kenosha… He would tell his teenage son: Don’t you ever do something so stupid. You stay home and stay out of trouble.”

Rittenhouse’s actions do NOT represent a positive role model for young people to follow. No matter what man’s law may say, Christ tells us not to take up the sword, but to put it away, because everyone who takes the sword will ultimately perish by it (Matthew 26:52). Using a gun on other people is wrong in God’s eyes. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Kyle Rittenhouse—Vigilante and Villain or Patriot and Hero?” and read our free booklet, “Should YOU Fight in War?” Also, please read our free booklet, “The Ten Commandments.” 

Antifa: Take Up Arms!

The Washington Times reported on November 23:

“Some members of Antifa are responding to the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse last week by getting guns themselves. According to social media posts collected by conservative journalist Andy Ngo, the violent leftist group sees as a threat to them Mr. Rittenhouse’s successful claim of self-defense in the shootings of three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.

“‘Antifa accounts in Portland & beyond are terrified over the Rittenhouse acquittal because they’re afraid others will shoot them dead during an attack & have a legal argument for self-defense. They’re urging comrades to get guns immediately so they can kill before being killed,’ Mr. Ngo wrote on Twitter, providing multiple screenshots to support his claim.”

The Christmas Parade Murderer

The New York Post reported on November 24:

“The ex-con charged over the deaths of six people at a Wisconsin Christmas parade shared social media posts calling for violence against white people — and suggesting ‘Hitler was right’ for killing Jews…. [The messages] included numerous posts attacking cops, comparing them to Ku Klux Klan members and calling them ‘violent street gangs’ — as well as calling for violence toward white people, according to screenshots… Police have yet to announce a motive for Sunday’s carnage, but all six who died… were white…

“In his rap songs, Brooks also bragged that he was a ‘terrorist’ and a ‘killer in the city.’”

All Three Men Charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s Death Convicted of Murder

Newsmax reported on November 24:

“A jury Wednesday found Travis McMichael, his father, Gregory McMichael, and their neighbor William Bryan guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery outside of Brunswick, Georgia. Travis McMichael was found guilty on all nine charges, including malice murder after the jury deliberated for about 11 hours over two days. His father and Bryan were found guilty on counts of felony murder. Each of the three men faces a maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole…

“The three men accused of Arbery’s Feb. 23, 2020, killing were initially cleared by the local district attorney. But after video of the deadly encounter was leaked, a public outcry led to the case being transferred to a different district attorney and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation charged the trio in May…

“Arbery, 25… was reportedly jogging in the Glynn County neighborhood where the McMichaels lived. McMichael said he sought out Arbery after his 65-year-old father told him ‘the guy who has been breaking in down the road’ had just run past their home… both McMichaels armed themselves before pursuing Arbery in their pickup truck. McMichael said Arbery initially stopped when he pulled up alongside him, but again took off running when McMichael told him police were en route.

“That began a sequence in which prosecutors say Arbery was chased and prevented from fleeing by two pickup trucks — the one with the McMichaels inside and another driven by the 52-year-old Bryan, who also videotaped the encounter. At some point, a struggle between Travis McMichael and Arbery ensued, and Travis McMichael admits to fatally shooting Arbery. ‘He had my gun,’ McMichael testified on Wednesday. ‘He struck me. It was obvious that he was attacking me, that if he would have gotten the shotgun from me, then this was a life-or-death situation, and I’m going to have to stop him from doing this, so I shot.’…

“Arbery’s family has claimed the incident was racially motivated and there have been allegations of racist language used by the defendants. Prominent Black civil rights activists such as Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton have made appearances in the courtroom, leading to a brief failed attempt by the defense to have the controversial leaders ejected from the proceedings.

“Numerous political leaders have commented on the trial, including President Joe Biden who tweeted on the one-year anniversary of the shooting: ‘A Black man should be able to go for a jog without fearing for his life. Today, we remember Ahmaud Arbery’s life and we dedicate ourselves to making this country safer for people of color.’ The comments appeared to prejudge the guilt of the defendants, continuing a trend of Biden remarking on cases that had not yet been decided by a jury, as he had done with Kenosha shooting defendant Kyle Rittenhouse.

“… The Arbery and Floyd deaths sparked a summer of social justice protests nationwide that were dominated by Black Lives Matter activists and, often, members of the left-wing group antifa. Frequently the events turned destructive or violent, resulting in several cities having businesses looted or burned down, countless assaults, and several deaths.”

California New Abortion Mecca?

Life News wrote on November 16:

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom is working to make his state the abortion center of the United States in anticipation of Roe v. Wade being overturned soon…  Newsom, a pro-abortion Democrat, recently asked a group of ‘reproductive health’ experts to come up with plans to make it easier for women from other states to come to California to abort their unborn babies… Currently, under Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, states are prohibited from protecting unborn babies from abortion before viability, about 22 weeks of pregnancy. If Roe goes, 26 states likely would ban abortions to protect unborn babies…

“Among other things, they want lawmakers to increase taxpayer funding for abortions through the state Medi-Cal program and create a fund to help pay for transportation, child care, hotel stays and other costs to encourage women to come to California to abort their unborn babies… [California] has more abortion facilities than any other state in the U.S. Newsom also recently signed a law that forces colleges and universities to provide abortions on campus.”

How can God bless a state like this? Note the next shocking article.

California’s Teachers Urge Recruiting Young Kids into LGBT Clubs

Daily Wire reported on November 19:

“Abigail Shrier, the author of the best-selling book ‘Irreversible Damage,’ revealed that at a late October meeting at a conference of California’s largest teacher’s union, the California Teachers Association (CTA), documents show teachers were encouraged to recruit students into LGBT clubs, urging them to ‘have the courage to create a safe environment that fosters bravery to explore sexual orientation.’ One teacher reportedly chortled, ‘We’re going to do just a little mind-trick on our sixth graders.’

“Additionally, Shier wrote, ‘Speakers went so far as to tout their surveillance of students’ Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations in order to target sixth graders for personal invitations to LGBTQ clubs, while actively concealing these clubs’ membership rolls from participants’ parents.’”

Boris Johnson Incompetent

Express wrote on November 19:

“The British public is furious with Boris Johnson.. with record numbers believing the Prime Minister is ‘incompetent’ according to a YouGov poll…. [It] shows a leap of faith made by the British public when the Prime Minister was elected in December 2019, with his competency rating sitting at more than 50 percent… those thinking the Prime Minister is competent [is] just 29 percent.”

Johnson can shake hands with Biden and Harris… And then we are told that Harris made history as the first woman…and woman of color… to occupy the office of [acting] President for 1 hour and 25 minutes while Biden was undergoing a procedure, requiring short anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy and medical exam. What lunacy.

Barbados to Remove the Queen

Bloomberg wrote on November 22:

“For the first time in three decades, Queen Elizabeth II is losing one of her many realms. On Nov. 30, Barbados, in the eastern Caribbean, will be removing the British monarch as its head of state and installing Governor General Sandra Mason as president…

“The move is largely symbolic, as Barbados has been a sovereign nation since 1966. But the transition underscores the growing independent streak in the Caribbean — home to nine of the 16 commonwealth realms, sovereign countries that have Queen Elizabeth as their head of state.  ‘The time has come to fully leave our colonial past behind,’ Governor General Mason said last year, when the transition was announced…

“The last nation to leave the commonwealth realm was Mauritius in 1992. But Jamaica, the Bahamas, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines have all considered ditching the monarchy…”

Catholics “Encouraged” to take Mass on Sunday

Premier Christian News wrote on November 20:

“Catholics in England and Wales are being encouraged to ‘look again’ at the activities they are doing on Sundays instead of going to Mass… such as sports or shopping, or other leisure and social activities… But the bishops also recognised that for some ‘there is legitimate fear in gathering together’ as the pandemic is not over and they acknowledged that not everyone ‘is yet in the position to fulfil the absolute duty to attend freely Sunday Mass.’…

“They concluded: ‘The Sunday Mass is the very heartbeat of the Church and of our personal life of faith. We gather on the “first day of the week,” and devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42).”

At least, they recognize that Sunday is the “first day of the week” and therefore not the biblical Sabbath, which is of course the last day of the week, even though the Catholic Church has been influential in changing the calendar, marking Sunday as the seventh day. In addition, breaking bread has nothing to do with attending worship services on Sunday and taking communion or participating in mass. Please see our Q&A on that topic

Russia’s Plan to Annex Ukraine

European Council of Foreign Affairs (ecf.eu) wrote on November 17:

“Russia is mobilising its forces… Moscow’s belief that the EU and US will not step in to protect Ukraine could lead it to take direct military action… Following an invasion of Ukraine, it would use [its forces] to control conquered territory, suppress dissent, and install puppet administrations. Their mobilisation is a sign that the Kremlin is at least considering the option of further incursions into Ukraine… This may hint towards a significantly more serious intention than simply a wish to appear threatening.

“Hostile Russian rhetoric towards Ukraine has increased over the last year. ‘Reintegrating’ Ukraine – the whole of Ukraine, not Donbas alone – into the Russian Empire is a declared aim of the Russian president. The impression of a weak West, underlined by the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, may convince Moscow that now is the time to wrap up its ‘unfinished business’ with Kyiv. The Kremlin may have been emboldened in this by its interpretation of the American position on Ukraine, particularly since senior US diplomat Victoria Nuland’s recent visit to Moscow. That trip likely left the impression that Washington would subscribe to Moscow’s interpretation of the Minsk agreement…

“And, finally, current events around Belarus tightly connect Ukraine’s security situation with the rest of Europe. This relates not only to the immediate stand-offs with migrant arrivals at the Belarus-Poland border, but to these major Russian military redeployments whose full nature is not yet clear. Were it to take Ukraine, an enlarged and confident Russia would then turn its sights on influencing the activities of it new nearest neighbours: the EU and its member states.”

Ukraine will fall into the hands of Russia… either forcefully or “peacefully”.

Russia Threatens to Destroy NATO Satellites over Ukraine

The Sun wrote on November 23:

“RUSSIA’S new weapon dubbed ‘Star Warrior’ has the West worried as it can blast satellites out of orbit at heights of up to 500 miles above Earth. Vladimir Putin’s state owned TV issued a chilling threat that Russia may deploy the system to destroy some 32 Western satellites to render Nato missiles useless. It comes after Putin used the weapon to destroy a redundant Soviet-era Tselina-D military reconnaissance satellite – blasting it into an orbital debris storm…

“State-controlled Russian Channel One TV host Dmitry Kiselyov – dubbed Putin’s ‘mouthpiece’ and ‘propagandist-in-chief’ – has claimed the satellite strike was a deliberate warning to the West not to cross the Kremlin’s red lines on Ukraine.  He boasted in the event of worsening relations, Russia could wipe out 32 GPS satellites crucial for Nato’s military operations, including the pinpointing of missile strikes.

“The warning comes as relations continue to worsen between Russia and the West amid fears that Putin may be about to invade Ukraine.

“… Russia deputy prime minister Yuri Borisov previously bragged that the Star Warrior weapons system has no counterpart in the West.”

Roadmap for Closer Military Ties between Russia and China

The Associated Press wrote on November 23:

“Russia’s defense chief on Tuesday signed a roadmap for closer military ties with China, pointing to increasingly frequent U.S. strategic bomber flights near both countries’ borders… Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe ‘expressed a shared interest in stepping up strategic military exercises and joint patrols by Russia and China,’ according to the Russian Defense Ministry. ‘China and Russia have been strategic partners for many years,’ Shoigu said… Wei praised Russia for successfully countering what he described as U.S. pressure and military threats…

“In August, Shoigu visited China to attend joint war games, which marked the first time that Russian troops had taken part in drills on Chinese territory. They were the latest in a series of war games in recent years, intended to underline increasingly close military relations between Moscow and Beijing. Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s leader, Xi Jinping, have developed strong personal ties to bolster a ‘strategic partnership’ between the former Communist rivals as they both faced tensions with the West.

“Putin said last year that… Russia has been sharing highly sensitive military technologies with China that helped significantly bolster its defense capability.”

Chinese New Hypersonic Weapon More Dangerous than Previously Thought

Israel 365 wrote on November 22:

“In July, China tested an unprecedented ability of its new hypersonic weapon; firing a separate missile while traveling at Mach 5… a new report reveals even more shocking details of China’s hypersonic capabilities that US military experts can’t even begin to understand

“China’s hypersonic weapon that took the world by surprise in July had an additional ability. Capable of flying at five times the speed of sound while carrying a nuclear warhead, the weapon, essentially a space vehicle, fired a projectile in midflight. Experts are still unsure of how this was achieved and don’t even know what the purpose of the projectile was. The projectile fired midflight landed in the water and did not seem to have a target. Some conjectures suggest the projectile may have been electronic countermeasures capable of targeting an enemy’s missile defense systems while others suggest it may have been an air-to-air missile…

“The hypersonic glide vehicle tested by China in July was capable of bypassing the US’s air-defense systems by flying over the South Pole….”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Can true Christians learn anything from the recent Climate Change Conference?

What you are referring to is the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) which was held in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021.  This event is a global United Nations summit about so-called climate change and how countries are planning to tackle it.

On the BBC website is an article entitled “Climate change: What is it and why is everyone talking about it?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/45880633

This website states that “When we talk about climate change, we are talking about global changes in the Earth’s average temperature.  The Earth’s average temperature moves up and down naturally, but it has been increasing more rapidly than it usually does. This change is impacting on the planet’s environment – which is everything natural around us; rivers, trees, plants, animals… everything!

“Scientists say many of the changes to the Earth’s climate are caused by human activity – this means things that humans are doing. Some of those things are: the burning of oil, coal and gas, waste, deforestation and urbanization and population growth.

“Scientists say the world is about one degree Celsius warmer than it was 300 years ago when the Industrial Revolution started and people began to work in factories. A very influential 2018 report by an international group of scientists said that if the planet’s temperature goes up by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, it will cause huge problems for the planet. Melting ice in places like the Arctic and Antarctic would lead to a rise in the Earth’s sea levels, flooding many coastal areas and islands. Extreme weather like heatwaves, droughts and storms would happen more often and become more severe.

“The 2018 report encouraged world leaders to make climate change a priority. It said countries needed to work together to limit the rise in temperature rise to 1.5 degrees and stop changes to the planet that would be a catastrophe for life on Earth.”

To clarify, we do not necessarily agree with the concept of man-made global warming or climate change, as presented by scientists and described in the above article. There are still many unanswered questions, including reports to the effect that data has been strongly manipulated to “prove” “man-made climate change.” Some scientists even go so far as to say that we are not overserving global warming, but rather another ice age. The late producer and inventor/originator of the American “Weather Channel” was a strong opponent of the concept of man-made climate change and filed numerous lawsuits to prove errors and misrepresentations, which all were dismissed when he died. The late famous writer Michael Crichton (“Jurassic Park”), who was also a doctor, challenged the concept of climate change as well.

We do not have to concern ourselves in this Q&A with the accuracy or inaccuracy of the concept of man-made climate change as it is the purpose of this Q&A to point out an altogether different problem.

We had a “talking shop” for 13 days with a rush at the end of the conference to agree to a deal acceptable to all those in attendance.

There have been many reports around the world about this conference, and for the sake of brevity we will just choose one report.   The Daily Mail reported on 14th November 2021 that “Cop26 president Alok Sharma today warned China and India they would have to ‘justify’ political scheming that hamstrung a global climate deal to protect their coal interests.   The Cabinet minister rounded on the Asian nations after the Glasgow summit last night agreed a watered-down deal on climate change following their last-gasp intervention. The Glasgow Pact was watered down at the last minute with the wording on a section covering unabated coal – the burning of coal without climate change mitigating technology – changed from ‘phase out’ to ‘phase down’, leading to angry responses from European and vulnerable countries. Mr Sharma, who appeared on the verge of tears and apologised for the change as Cop ended last night, insisted to Sky News that it had achieved ‘something remarkable’. But he added: China and India are going to have to justify to some of the most climate-challenged nations what happened.’”

There you have it in a nutshell.   Man’s inability to agree on something that they all felt was so important that so many of the world’s nations were gathered, but unable to agree fully on how to go about resolving the issue.

The world has many seemingly insurmountable problems but there is never the will with so many to look at this and many different issues that they all feel are crucial to man’s survival and for the common good.  Self-interest always seems to come to the fore.

What is the approach and understanding of the Church of God of which Jesus Christ is the Head?  True Christians are challenged to come out of the governmental and political systems of this world.

In our Q&A “Are Christians supposed to make this a better world?” we write:

“Jesus, during His earthly ministry, likened this world to a building. In Ephesians 2:20-22 the Church is likened to a building. Jesus, in referring to the present evil world, said it is built on a foundation of the sand of Satan’s way of vanity, covetousness, envy and jealousy, competition and strife, violence, rebellion, contention, unhappiness, suffering and death. THIS WORLD IS DOOMED TO CRASH! And great shall be the fall thereof.

“Jesus did not come to repair or remodel or make over this building — this world — this civilization. Its foundation is faulty — that of Satan. Its superstructure — its systems of government and legal systems of law and justice, its systems of faulty and materialistic education, its religions, its social systems and customs — all its superstructures faulty, producing discontent, unhappiness, contention, competition and strife leading to violence and destruction, anguish, suffering, poverty and death. Those are the supporting columns and beams of the superstructure of the building that is this world. Jesus did not come to reform this world — to bring it a ‘spiritual revival’ — to pray for it or to save it or any of its ways.” (see https://www.globalchurchofgod.co.uk/q-a-13266/)

The Church of God does not get involved in the politics of this world.   The fruits of it are plain to see and only the return of Jesus Christ can set right what is impossible with man in charge, ably guided and directed by Satan who is the god of this world (see 2 Corinthians 4:4).

As mentioned, we are not taking a position on the merits or demerits of the conference itself, nor on the accuracy or inaccuracy of reports, claims, scientific studies and records pertaining to “climate change,” but commenting on how it is impossible for man to fully come together in the perceived interest of all people – and the difference between the conference behaviour and its outcomes when viewed against biblical instruction.

And so, to the question: “Can true Christians learn anything from this conference?  There would have been many well-meaning people attending this conference but a good question to ask is “what were the fruits of it?”

(1) We are told to esteem others better or “higher” than self.  In Philippians 2:3-4 we read: “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better [higher] than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”  While this was information given to the Church, by extension, it is a principle that works with those outside the Church too.   There would have been those at the conference who were sincerely trying to resolve what they saw as grave issues for mankind but many others, as evidenced by what happened, were interested mainly in how it seemingly or allegedly affected themselves and their countries.   Selfishness, which we are not to engage in, was on show as representatives of so many countries displayed this in their own narrow self-interest.

(2) The governments of this world don’t have the answers to the continual rise of man’s insoluble problems.  We only have to look at the state of the world we live in to acknowledge that man is out of his depth through his own self-imposed dilemmas.   It will get so bad that Jesus said, as reported in Matthew 24:21-22: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”   This clearly shows that things will get continually worse so that only the intervention of Jesus Christ will resolve man’s problems and put right the wrongs of the last 6,000 years.

(3) This conference highlighted man’s inability to look after this planet properly.   In Genesis 2:15 we read God’s instruction to our forefather, Adam: “Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”   Right from the time of the creation of man, God expected him to look after that which had been given to him.   History confirms how badly mismanaged this world has been. This is true regardless of the issue of climate change. We read in Revelation 11:18 that Jesus Christ will return to “destroy those who destroy the earth.”

(4) The objectives that were agreed, it seems, reluctantly by some and were “watered down” to accommodate others, may still not be met by some countries showing that man is regularly unable to keep his word and commitments.   What trust can you put in such people when you know that what they say and do are often two different stories?  In Joshua 21:45 we read: “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.”   This shows that when God says something He can be trusted.   In 1 Thessalonians 5:24, we read: “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”   God’s Word is His bond.   Man fails on a daily basis in this regard.

(5) It appears that concerns raised at this conference are not new.   In our weekly Update number 997 dated 20th November 21, there was a section headed “The Climate Change Scare” which reads as follows:

“The Editorial Board of the New York Post wrote on November 12:

“For the past two weeks in Glasgow, Scotland, world leaders have gathered at COP 26,  the United Nations Climate Change Conference to listen to the same message: Disaster is just around the corner.

“[But] consider this news story from 1972: ‘We have ten years to stop the catastrophe,’ said the UN’s environmental protection boss… for more than 50 years, the United Nations and the media have regularly predicted we’re on the verge of calamity… In 1982, after the catastrophe failed to materialize, the New York Times covered the second UN conference on the environment, which opened ‘amid gloom’. The piece quotes Mostafa K. Tolba, executive director of the United Nations environmental program, as saying that if things aren’t fixed by the turn of the century — the year 2000 — the world would face ‘an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust.’

“In 1989, a senior UN environmental official [said] that if we didn’t fix climate change by 1999, we would have ‘Global disaster, nations wiped off the face of the earth, crop failures’… In 2004, the Guardian newspaper said a ‘secret report’ from the Pentagon to President George W. Bush said climate change would ‘destroy us.’ Among the predictions: Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas. Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world…

“As of 2019, the UN said ‘only 11 years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change’… That gives us until 2030 — or 58 years after the warnings of 1972. Advocates for change believe if they just scream louder… they’ll get the world to agree to a complete upheaval of modern life and trillions in spending…”

“Buenos Aires Times wrote on November 11:

“Pope Francis warned time was ‘running out’ to save the planet while expressing regret at his absence from climate talks in Glasgow, in a letter published Thursday… ‘this occasion must not be wasted, lest we have to face God’s judgement for our failure to be faithful stewards of the world he has entrusted to our care,’ wrote Francis.”

It is interesting to read how often these issues have been raised in the last half-century and the noises now being made have all been made before.  Many can be “frightened” by the prognostications of doom and gloom but the true Christian doesn’t need to take note of the new religion of climate change activism.   God knows what is going on and what will be needed in the future and our trust must be in Him not in fallible human beings.

In light of the many failed scientific predictions regarding the dangers of climate change and its terrible consequences, the question could be asked as to how real it really is. But again, the concern of this Q&A is to address the inability of man to solve any real or perceived problems.

(6) How many times was God mentioned in this conference about these world crises?   Quite probably His Holy Name was mentioned more in blasphemy than in invoking His help and thanking Him for His wonderful creation.   Satan has done a wonderful job in hiding the truth from the world at large so that God is seen as irrelevant or non-existent to so many.   Anyone expounding the truth about God and His Master Plan of Salvation would have been seen as odd, eccentric, or even worse.   There is no fear of God today.   “They do not say in their heart, ‘Let us now fear the Lord our God, Who gives rain, both the former and the latter, in its season. He reserves for us the appointed weeks of the harvest’” (Jeremiah 5:24).

In Romans 3:9-18, Paul gives a crushing indictment about the Jews and the Greeks at that time, and by extension, mankind right up until today: “What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin. As it is written: ‘There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.’ ‘Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit’; ‘The poison of asps is under their lips’; ‘Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.’ ‘Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known.’ ‘There is no fear of God before their eyes.’”

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary observes: “Here again is shown that all mankind are under the guilt of sin, as a burden; and under the government and dominion of sin, as enslaved to it, to work wickedness. This is made plain by several passages of Scripture from the Old Testament, which describe the corrupt and depraved state of all men, till grace restrain or change them. Great as our advantages are, these texts describe multitudes who call themselves Christians. Their principles and conduct prove that there is no fear of God before their eyes. And where no fear of God is, no good is to be looked for.”

Many will have been genuinely disappointed in the outcome of this long conference, but trust in and reliance on man is both unwise and misguided. The alleged concerns that delegates raised at this conference and all of the many real insurmountable problems that currently exist will not be eliminated by further conferences and agreements or man’s ingenuity, but only by the return of Jesus Christ who alone has the power and wisdom to resolve all of the issues that man has brought on himself.  And yes, Christians can learn from the recent climate change conference in that we must rely on and trust in God alone; and that man’s way and his thoughts need to be replaced by the righteous rule of Christ.

The Bible tells us not to trust in man, only God is totally trustworthy. Psalm 118:8-9 says: “It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in princes.  (Also see Psalm 40:3-4, Micah 7:5, Jeremiah 17:5.)

Scholars have identified 1,845 different biblical references to the second coming of Jesus Christ.   He will return to set up the Kingdom of God and, at last, human beings will learn the right way to live.   Based on what is happening in the world right now shows that that time is both necessary and imminent!

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Kyle Rittenhouse—Vigilante and Villain or Patriot and Hero?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Kyle Rittenhouse was charged in a closely watched televised trial with murdering two protestors and with other felonies. He was acquitted, even though the mass media and politicians have been guilty of horrible reporting and misrepresentations. And it is not over. This country is divided as never before in recent history. What can we learn from the trial and the underlying circumstances? Does the Bible address situations like these?

“Ein falscher Messias im Tempel Gottes?” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “A False Messiah in the Temple of God?”

“Sagt uns die Bibel, wie Satan aussieht?” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Does the Bible Tell Us How Satan Looks?”

“Was kann uns von Gott trennen?”, the sermon presented in Germany last Sabbath by Thilo Hanstein, is now posted. Title in English: “What Can Separate Us from God?”

“Alleinstehend,” the sermonette presented in Germany last Sabbath by Dmitrij Niemann, is now posted. Title in English: “Single.”

“Trust and Be Grateful,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Frank Bruno, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We’ve had opportunities in the past few weeks to see our faith tested. We’ve also had the opportunity to rely on God and give up our futile human sense of control. In this Sermonette, we will explore several Scriptures that can provide the light for the path that we must follow as Christians. As we’ve heard in recent Sermons, being a follower of Jesus Christ requires that we trust in Him, and illustrates our gratitude by obeying Him.

What May Be Known of God,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

God is not hiding! He reveals Himself in His written Word, in His Creation and in the lives of those called to salvation. But the wicked don’t even seek God—God is in none of their thoughts!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God