Why did the al-Aqsa mosque incidents spark the explosion of violence? What connection is there to the prophesied building of the third temple on the Temple Mount? Why are the current developments in Jerusalem and Israel not yet THE war which would annihilate mankind, unless Christ was to return to shorten these days? Who are the elect for whom Christ will return, and why are the Jews and nominal Christians not those elect?
Download AudioStandingWatch
Catholic Politicians’ Hypocrisy on Abortion Rights
High-ranking Catholic politicians may speak against abortion in private, but support it in public. The Catholic Church condemns abortion and is highly critical of “devout” practicing Catholics, such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo, Patrick Leahy and others, who officially uphold a pro-choice position. But is abortion really wrong, and does God prohibit it?
Download AudioUS Tourists Allowed to Visit Europe?—Not So Fast!
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen allegedly said in an interview with the New York Times that “fully vaccinated Americans would be able to visit EU countries this summer.” But MUCH MORE was said and would be required, as this program will explain, and what does “fully vaccinated” actually mean? Be very careful when you hear and are tempted to act upon sensational news or representations and assurances by some health experts or governmental officials which might be misleading or continuously changing. When it comes to vaccinations, do your own research and make a decision based on your own individual situation and personal circumstances.
Download AudioChauvin’s Conviction—Was Justice Served in a System that Works?
Derek Chauvin was convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter for killing George Floyd. The conviction of Chauvin was celebrated with the claim that the American legal system works. However, that statement is in question, due to mistakes made during the court proceedings and inappropriate political intervention. Does God think that our legal system works?
Download AudioRussian Invasion of Ukraine Inevitable?
Mounting tensions have been reported between Russia and Ukraine, with the West becoming increasingly concerned about the situation, while not really knowing as to what to do about it. With more than tens of thousands of Russian troops at the Ukrainian border, backed by tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and rocket batteries and apparently the largest mortar system in the world on its way, will Russia engage in a full-scale combat invasion of Ukraine? Will there be war between Russia and the West? How may all of this play out in the light of biblical prophecy?
Download AudioAztec Demons in California’s Schools?
Is the Department of Education in California recommending to invite demons into our schools, by instructing pupils to “pray in chants each day to Aztec gods that formerly sacrificed children and their parents”? Some reports ring alarm bells, while others try to diminish or explain away what is happening. This program will explore what is really going on… and what you as parents or students must do.
Download AudioWas Christ’s Mother His First Disciple?
Recently, Pope Francis claimed that the Virgin Mary, Christ’s mother, was Christ’s first disciple. Why is this comment false, and why is it important that you understand who Mary was?
Download AudioComing… a worldwide Dictatorship
The whole world is being prepared today for accepting a global autocratic dictatorship. Its beginning is already manifesting itself on the world scene. Do you know what is happening, and why, and that the Bible has prophesied this end-time development thousands of years ago?
Download AudioAny prophetic fallout from Harry’s and Meghan’s interview?
The bombshell interview with Oprah has prompted many different emotional reactions all over the world. This program does not address at all who is right or wrong. But it focuses on interesting developments which might be a preview of things to come. The Bible has much to say about the future of Britain’s monarchy and the Commonwealth.
Download AudioPope Warns of a Worldwide Flood
In referring to the “story of the great flood in the Bible,” Pope Francis said that “humanity is facing another ‘great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.’” He continued that the “biblical flood which destroyed the world except for Noah… may have been a myth.”
What does the Bible say about Noah’s flood and the possibility of another deluge in our time?
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