Will the Relationship between the USA and Europe Improve?

Some are hopeful that the relationship between the USA and the EU, which has not been that good, will get better substantially because of the new US Administration. Others are not so sure, or they even doubt it very much. Listen to many articles from national and international liberal and conservative sources to note what their take is on the matter.

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Can Israel Count on America’s Support?

The relationship between America under the Biden Administration and Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu is bound to deteriorate, and their recent phone conversation, with nice sounding but unrealistic platitudes, will not change this a bit. This program shows the many reasons why Israel cannot count on meaningful support from the USA, at least not for the time being.

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Why Did Trump Lose the Election?

The Democrats in the Senate are trying to prevent former President Donald Trump from ever running for office again, but will they be successful? Will the “Senate Banana Republic Show Trial,” as it has been described by some, lead to Trump’s conviction? Is this trial even constitutional, and if not, why not? What should Trump’s defense lawyers address in rebuttal of the claims made by the Democratic managers? And what is it that needs to be pointed out to get the entire picture pertaining to the 2020 election and possible future developments?

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The Return of Donald Trump

Apart from occasional short comments, Donald Trump was at first pretty quiet after Joe Biden’s inauguration and Trump’s departure from Washington to his estate in Florida. But beginning with the end of January, a remarkable change could be observed. Trump began to be back in the spotlight, and it seems, he has become more popular and influential than ever. It would be naïve and a grave mistake to think that we have heard the last word and seen the last action from Trump.

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The Second Impeachment Circus

This is another example of how to divide the country. Observers tell us that it is highly unlikely that in addition to all the Senate Democrats, 17 needed Senate Republicans will convict Trump, and some even went so far as to say that the “trial” is dead on arrival and that it is all over, after 45 Republican Senators voted that such a trial would be unconstitutional. Others are not so sure, pointing out that some Senate Republicans voted against a trial because of its lack of constitutionality, but that this did not indicate “how they might come down on Trump’s guilt or innocence after a trial.” The presenter of this program is convinced that Trump will not be convicted or prevented by the Senate from holding a public office in the future or running again for the Presidency in 2024. But how can you have any confidence in those statements, or any further statements pertaining to prophetic events, given the fact that the presenter was wrongly predicting that Trump would be reelected in 2020?


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Will President Biden Unify the Country?

The USA is divided as never before. President Biden, in his inauguration speech, emphasized the need for unity. But shortly thereafter, he signed 17 sweeping executive orders, undoing much of Trump’s policies. This will do little to create any form of unity with the over 74 million Trump voters. The war of the mass media, being in cahoots with Big Tech and many Democrats, against Trump and his supporters continues.
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic seem to be deeply divided. There will not be any meaningful substantial cooperation between them.
What will 2021 bring, and what can we expect from the Biden Presidency? One thing is certain: Biden will NOT unify the country.
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Europe’s Attack on Religious Freedom and the coming Great Tribulation

This program addresses another European attack on religious freedom, this time mainly directed at Jews and Muslims, but with wide-raging consequences for all religions, including true and nominal Christianity. We talk about the permission granted by Europe’s highest court to prohibit ritual slaughter of animals, but the implication of the decision is not limited to that aspect, but it is much broader and much more frightening. It also sets the stage for prophesied events leading to the terrible Great Tribulation described in the Bible.

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Should you get vaccinated against Coronavirus?

This must be your decision, based on your individual circumstances and conviction. But your decision should require proper investigation, inquiry and knowledge; it should be an informed decision and not just based on emotion. This program will discuss much of what has been reported about the vaccines and their morality, safety and side effects… and again, you must ascertain for yourself, as best as you can, as to whether those reports are factual or not.

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Are You Prepared for Civil War?

We are facing numerous challenges, all of which can lead or have already led to violence, but the outcome may not only be civil unrest, but also civil war. This program discusses some of the current challenges, from the contested US election and racism to coronavirus restrictions, which, taken together, are turning the US into a “powder-keg” and creating a perfect storm; and it presents an astonishing and frightening lesson from history. Are you prepared for what might be coming very soon?

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Germany’s March to Dictatorship and its Corona Chancellor

A new law in Germany regarding the coronavirus, granting the government and its health minister, Jens Spahn, unilateral powers to restrict fundamental rights of liberty and freedom, as guaranteed in the German Constitution, has caused many to compare it with the Enabling Act of 1933 which paved the way for Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship. But Germany’s new law is only the last step so far in a series of developments which are deeply troubling.

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