
The Coup to Oust Joe Biden

In spite of his and the White House’s and his family’s assurances to the contrary, Biden surprised everyone when he announced on Sunday, July 21, his abrupt decision to drop out of the 2024 race and to endorse Kamala Harris (even though Jill Biden was allegedly totally opposed to such an endorsement). While Harris was quick to complete her “takeover” of the Democratic Party by obtaining the support of enough delegates for her nomination, Obama, Pelosi and other influential Democrats refused initially to endorse her.  But subsequently, they did—Obama as late as Friday, July 26, even though it is claimed that he had been furious about Biden’s endorsement of Harris who he allegedly feels to be incompetent and unable to beat Trump. This program describes in detail the coup by the “trinity” of Obama, Pelosi and Schumer to get rid of Biden, the cover-up by the White House and Kamala Harris of Biden’s failing health, the Democrats’ “crocodile tears,” and the reported allegation that Harris is “a far-left authoritarian demagogue.”  

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Germany Crushes Freedom of Speech and of the Press

This program addresses terrible developments in Germany which attacks Democracy and seems to move towards an autocratic dictatorship. To prove this, we are pointing out three steps towards this frightening outcome—suppression of journalism; unfounded prosecution under the guise of “denigrating the state”; and banning a magazine which “dares” to criticize the German government.

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The French and British Frankenstein Monster

The French and British people have voted, and they have created for themselves a Frankenstein Monster which will turn against them. What is so alarming about the election results in both countries? And how does this confirm again the reliability and truth of biblical prophecy, as clearly revealed in Scripture?

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What’s Your Vote for the Next President?

Trump complained recently that many Evangelicals and Christians do not vote. Why is this the case? Why wouldn’t some Christians vote for Trump or Biden or another candidate? The reasons might be manifold, depending on numerous issues and controversial positions, but what does the Bible say on principle about presidential elections? Shouldn’t Christians at least vote for the “lesser evil”?

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America Prepares for the Draft and Global War

Movements are in place in the USA automatically registering all men (and perhaps women) aged 18 to 26 for selective service—including American citizens and undocumented aliens. The connection between this development, reinstating the draft and preparing for global nuclear war should not be overlooked. What should a Christian’s  position be in regard to military service and fighting in war? And how will you answer Jesus Christ when you stand in front of His judgment seat?

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Will There Be War Between Russia and Germany?

Many in Germany seem to believe that such a war will break out, while others are not convinced of it. In any event, Germany is preparing for war with Russia, and this program shows the incredible and shocking extent of such preparation with brand-new frightening developments involving Russia as well. What does the Bible have to say about all of this?

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Fauci’s God Complex

Dr. Fauci’s testimony this week before a House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus pandemic and measures taken to combat the same manifested a total lack of repentance or admission of guilt. Rather, it seems that, as the New York Post put it,  Fauci developed a “God complex” and much of the media became “higher clergy” at every turn, while those with questions were labelled as “heretics.” Fauci might be gone, but his ideas are very much alive. Where did they originate? And where will YOU end up when the next pandemic strikes and similar, or even worse measures will be enacted? Will you follow and obey God or men?

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Trump Guilty – Shame on America

The conviction of Trump in a Manhattan court room is unparalleled. The proceedings by the judge and prosecution have been described as corrupt, illegal, unconstitutional and as a “travesty of justice,” which “stinks to high heaven.” What are the true facts, and what does GOD have to say about all of this?

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Europe Is Preparing For Worldwide Nuclear War!

Can this bold statement in the title be proven? ABSOLUTELY, as this program will show, but many are sound asleep and do not see the handwriting on the wall. The Bible prophesies worldwide nuclear war and identifies Europe, under German leadership, as some of the key players. Listen to the facts establishing that European preparations for war with nuclear weapons “are underway.”

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Germany’s and America’s Complicity in Iran’s Attack on Israel

WHY did Iran attack Israel? Did the mullahs really try to avoid causing any damage? Did they underestimate Israel’s defense abilities? Or are there other reasons? Will Israel retaliate against Iran, and if so, how, or will they bow to pressure from America and Germany not to “escalate” the situation? Why do many feel that Germany’s and America’s Iran “strategy” has greatly contributed to Iran’s attack on Israel? And what does this attack tell us about the coming third temple in Jerusalem?

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“The Germans Have Lost Their Minds”

A dance performance at the beginning of a Good Friday Service of the German Protestant Church which was broadcast on public television and which resembled demonic possession and an exorcism;  an increasing desire to become a military power and to reinstate compulsory military service… what is going on in Germany? Have Germans “literally gone mad”?

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America’s Betrayal of Israel!

Israel is bombarded with accusations and condemnations by its Western friends and allies. The Biden administration is leading, but others have joined the chorus as well. We also note the emergence of more and more antisemitism in the Western world. If you don’t believe this, or if you disagree with the title or the premise of this program, please listen to and learn about shocking facts which should open your eyes as to what is going on.

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Satan—the God of this Evil World!

Man has chosen to disobey and disbelieve the God of the Bible and to follow Satan instead. Misery, pain, suffering and war have been the consequence. Due to Satan’s deception and false religions, man does not know why God created him in the first place. But you can know, and this program shows you how.

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Europe’s Dark Powers

Recently, two seemingly unrelated incidents have occurred, but as this program will show, they have a serious connection. We are focusing on a fiery speech by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and statements by Tucker Carlson. Taken together, they are showing an astonishing biblical picture about our past, presence and future.

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Has the West Written Off Ukraine?

Many developments indicate indeed that Western governments and politicians— including in the USA and in Germany—have become tired of the war between Russia and Ukraine. They have concluded that the war is lost. And so, further monetary and military help for Ukraine is being critically considered.  There are numerous reasons for this assessment, which we will discuss in this program.

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And NOW… Fears of Terror Attacks in the USA and the UK

We are warned that during the month of Ramadan, starting on March 10, 2024, terrorists attacks on UK soil are likely or highly likely. This warning includes countries such as the USA and Israel as well. In fact, leaders of the major Palestinian terror groups have called for the Muslim world to engage in terror during Ramadan. Security officials tell us that the level of extremist chatter on the Internet is like when the Twin Towers came down in 2001. What does the Bible tell us about end-time terrorist attacks in our countries, and is there any hope that they will ever cease?

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Did Putin Lose His Mind?

To answer this question, we are addressing Putin’s plans of invasion and his threats of starting nuclear war with Berlin, Washington and London and of unleashing Armageddon. His irrational conduct has been compared with Hitler, and the similarities are truly remarkable. He has been described by people familiar with him as mentally unstable and emotionally off balance.  What is behind all of this?

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Will Our Government’s Corruption Ever End?

We are showing you outrageous examples of governmental corruption, from an insightful article by Judge Andrew Napolitano to the ridiculous prosecution of Donald Trump by biased New York attorney general Letitia James and the ridiculous decision by biased Judge Arthur Engoron, accompanied by law professor Jonathan Turley’s legal analysis. We are pointing out, with the words of Judge Napolitano, that “the government enacted a statute that permitted to claim harm where none existed and then steal from a wealthy entity.” In fact, Engoron’s judgment is even far worse than that, but it might badly backfire on New York City. So, then, what IS the only solution for ending the governmental corruption in the USA and this entire rotten world?

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Trump Frightens Europe

Trump’s recent comments about NATO and delinquent NATO members have led to fear and panic in Europe. Europeans are deeply concerned about a return of Trump. They feel that they need to act quickly if Europe is to survive. What are they planning to do, and will they be successful? How dangerous are their ideas and proposals?

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Is Israel’s Destruction Imminent?

The world is ganging up on Israel. Soon, Israel will end up without any true friends. Plans by Europe and America, including the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, make this very clear. Netanyahu does not concede, and his goal and conditions regarding Hamas and the end of the war have been stated very clearly. But is it even conceivable that a war in the Middle East might break out, which could lead to the destruction of the state of Israel?

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