LGD 2018: Will YOU Be Here Next Year?

We can easily be sidetracked if we are not fully focussed on what we are trying to achieve. Satan can use others – and our own lack of faith – to steer us off course which is his aim in life. He can’t be in the Kingdom of God and he wants to divert as many as he possibly can from achieving that goal and we can fall into his trap if we are not close to, and remain close to God. Will you be here next year? The answer is a resounding yes if you want to, and by staying close to God and His church, you will succeed. If any today don’t follow through and keep the way of life to which we have been called, they can be in grave danger and may not be here next year. Please be careful, stay close to God always and endure to the end as we are admonished to do, and you will be here at the Feast next year.

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